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見係393正評對3負評嘅比例,所以就諗住去食下,應該唔好伏掛,不過我哋7點幾行到去見入面仍有唔少吉位都冇多諗我同男友一人叫咗一碗拉麵,分別係香辣豚骨湯拉麵 同 期間限定嘅極濃牛骨湯拉麵🐷香辣豚骨湯拉麵第一啖飲湯再食面,發現食落根本係辣嘅味噌湯,一啲豚骨味都冇,雞胸肉同豚肉就各有兩塊,準確啲嚟講呢碗根本係辣味噌湯豚肉雞肉拉麵,建議冇豚骨味就唔好學人叫豚骨湯喇🐮極濃牛骨湯拉麵呢個仲伏,我試咗一淡湯,個味實在好難形容,膠膠地同冇任何肉味嘅,撲鼻而嚟嘅係金寶蘑菇濃湯味(?),真心唔講我都唔知原來呢個係牛骨湯,真係r曬頭,呢個冇極濃牛骨味,而係極濃伏味。另外,我哋冇配西冷牛肉,叫嘅係慢煮豚肉叉燒,塊叉燒味道還好不過整體而言,拉面嘅硬度不過不失對我嚟講係啱啱好嘅,湯底夠熱,但味道真心麻麻🍗小食另外叫咗份唐揚雞同炸餃子,味道正常,不過不失今次用餐真係頗為失望,埋單兩個人夾埋299,可以話係港島價錢但質素認真麻麻Translation: Supremely 'Not-worth-it' RestaurantThis restaurant is not worthwhile to eat. We've
我同男友一人叫咗一碗拉麵,分別係香辣豚骨湯拉麵 同 期間限定嘅極濃牛骨湯拉麵
Supremely 'Not-worth-it' Restaurant
This restaurant is not worthwhile to eat. We've tried the Spricy tonkotsu soup ramen and the Supreme Creamy Beef Soup Ramen, but the taste is not as good as we expected with such price level. I would say their toppings and the ramen is fine, but the soup base would be totally a disaster.
However, the soup is basically the soul of the ramen, so I would not recommend this restaurant to you.
🐷Spricy tonkotsu soup ramen
Their tonkotsu soup base, I would say I can't taste any pork bone in it. It's just a spicy soup with the ordinary Japanese Miso.
🐮Supreme Creamy Beef Soup Ramen
The soup has no any taste of beef in it, but it's called a beef soup.(huh) For me, the taste is more like a Creamy Campbell Mushroom soup.
If you're finding the ramen that Gordon Ramsay would say fantastic, then don't go to this one. It's not worth it.
Well, perhaps I'm too picky, you still could try it.
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