1418 瀏覽
Thanks to travel restrictions, finally get a chance to scope out some Michelin-starred Japanese restaurants in #HomeKong so you can get a taste of Japan. By the way, vaccine pass/passport is heating up. Will you? #Kashiwaya Hong Kong - the first overseas outlet of the Michelin three-star restaurant in Osaka. Each premium piece meticulously presented in a very small amount that whets our appetite. Super impressive. The chef’s sashimi 🐟 selection, beautifully presented on a clear plate and garnis
#Kashiwaya Hong Kong - the first overseas outlet of the Michelin three-star restaurant in Osaka. Each premium piece meticulously presented in a very small amount that whets our appetite. Super impressive. The chef’s sashimi 🐟 selection, beautifully presented on a clear plate and garnished with spiralised radish and purple shiso flowers, held some delights such as wonderfully textured toro sashimi and uni. Such an unmistakable deep savoury umami and a fresh salty taste form the sea. The 2nd most impressive dish was the wagyu beef for sure, when it first arrived, the aroma of the beef hitting you as soon as the lid was lifted, just another kind of prime meats melted in your mouth.😜
#Kaiseki is ritual Japanese meal characterized by small portions, subtle flavours, amazing food art, and an emphasis on seasonal ingredients, as time goes by, it becomes the pinnacle of Japanese haute cuisine. Only fresh seasonal ingredients are used and prepared in ways that aim to enhance their flavours.😋
正宗的 #懷石料理
望梅止渴,當去左次日本,新鮮的季節性生魚片或海鮮🐟,會切成適口大小,再自行加上調味料享用 ,就連到最後水果🍓都比平常的清甜,每款食材都是從日本空運過來,盛載食材的器皿是日本名師的藝術品,加上日本名師和無微不至的服務,貴($2680pp) 是合理的。✌
據說古時修行中的禪僧必須遵行戒律,只用早餐和午餐,午後不得進食。僧人們為了對抗飢寒,將加熱的石頭用碎布包起,抱在懷中,稱為「懷石」。演變至今, 懷石料理已成為高級日本料理,講究食器、坐席、軸畫、花瓶等塑造的空間美,保有惜物、悟道的精神,貴精不貴多;懷石料理皆以小碟盛盤上菜,每道料理的份量都很少,可以品嚐到各式各樣當季新鮮的美味😋 hkfoodiejo