Smoked mackerel avocado spinach quinoa sandwichHong Kong doesn’t really offer a lot of choices for girls who are on a strict diet. When most Chinese food are oily and heavy in condiments, they normally had to turn to salads, sandwiches or Japanese food. There can only be so many varieties for sandwiches and most of them are overpriced. When there’s a new sandwich place opened up, you’d walk in and hope to find something different. As I went inside Knead, it gave me a familiar feeling like Nood a
Smoked mackerel avocado spinach quinoa sandwich
Hong Kong doesn’t really offer a lot of choices for girls who are on a strict diet. When most Chinese food are oily and heavy in condiments, they normally had to turn to salads, sandwiches or Japanese food. There can only be so many varieties for sandwiches and most of them are overpriced. When there’s a new sandwich place opened up, you’d walk in and hope to find something different. As I went inside Knead, it gave me a familiar feeling like Nood and Mana. But as I looked at the menu, I saw something new; not only they allow the customers to be the boss, similar to subway, there are choices that you don’t regularly see at sandwich places. For instance, quinoa bread and smoked mackerel, this really is a great alternative for those who usually eat salmon for their intake of omega-3 and protein. The idea of quinoa bread is an interesting idea for me but it taste dry and a bit stale to me, since quinoa doesn't has any special to it, i would rather choose a bagel or 7 seeds bread. the rest of the ingredients all have a very expected taste, nothing special about them. They taste fresh of course, but that really is the basic requirement. The taste of the whole sandwich match my expectation, but there's nothing special about it really. 

The place is quite cozy and good for a relaxing lunch. However, the ingredients they use mostly are quite simple, and to pay $58 for a sandwich you can make at home, I think this is really buying for the convenience.

節食中的女生們在香港用膳的選擇並不多。當大多數中國菜都偏油膩和濃味,她們通常不得不依賴沙律,三文治或者日本料理。三文治總類其實沒幾多,而且大部分定價過高。當有新店開業,你都走進期望能找到新東西。在Knead 內,它給我少許Nood和Mana的感覺。菜單上,我找到了一些新的選擇,他們不僅讓客戶作自主,類似Subway,還有一些你在三文治店不經常看到的食材。例如藜麥麵包和熏鯖魚,為那些平時多吃三文魚攝取omega-3和蛋白質的人士提供多一個選擇。藜麥麵包是很有趣,但它的味道有點乾和不新鮮,藜麥本身沒有什麼特別味道,我寧願選擇比高包或7種子包。其餘所有配料都是我預計的味道,沒有什麼特別。它們味道新鮮,不過這應該是基本條件吧。全份三文治都符合我的預期,但完全沒有什麼特別之处可言。

這個地方舒適好讓打工仔過一個休閒午餐。但是,他們大多用料都非常簡單,付$ 58為一份你可以在家做得到的三文治,這應是用來購買方便而已了吧。
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