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尋日去左西貢露營,鹹田灣有2間士多,一間叫海風士多,長期好多人,另外有間少人好多既安記士多,諗住無乜人食所以食呢間,得果幾枱客唔使等咁耐啦,叫左個餐蛋烏冬同蛋治,點知order左成30分鐘都係乜野食都無,催左陣先黎左個蛋治,乾到爆炸,蛋太熟,難食。果陣話個烏冬要煮,fine我再等多15分鐘都仲係無,已經好燥,最後等左成粒鐘都係唔見個烏冬,我已經唔想再等落去,去refund, 我問個staff等成粒鐘係米正常,佢仲大大聲黑面話:係呀!,之後仲想我繼續等,我同佢講而家出到餐我就唔refund, 米又係乜都出唔到,我緊係唔等啦,曬我時間,我話我要走啦無可能一直無了期等落去,佢仲發侮氣話:走啦!走啦!態度差到呀!!我等既期間仲有其他客都係因為等得耐所以refund左。我之前以為隔離間士多係因為location好啲所以多人,但唔係囉,係呢間安記士多真係太差!我係海風士多多人到不得了,等野食都係等左15分鐘都無!Waited for an hour still couldn’t serve the food, when asked for a refund staff was extremely
Waited for an hour still couldn’t serve the food, when asked for a refund staff was extremely rude! Apparently some other ppl were also waiting for too long and asked for refunds! Instant noodles shouldn’t take more than one hour to cook!! But the staff told us it is normal to wait for one hour even the place was not crowded at all! Absolutely not resonable!!