1811 瀏覽
(English review below)這晚好趕時間,兩人只點了一個兩人份量的鹽焗魚。前菜是一塊蜜瓜,不大份,像藝術品一樣用小碟盛著。鹽焗魚上菜時很大陣仗,三位員工圍著盆子刮掉鹽分,把魚肉運送到桌上的碟子上。原來刮出來的魚肉看起來不是很多,而且吃下去味道比較淡,不會有很重的鹽味,不過只吃這道菜已經飽了。配菜也是很清淡,感覺很養生。如果你不喜歡淡口味,就應該點其他菜了!環境寧靜舒適,員工友善而且熱切招呼,是下班放鬆的好餐廳。We had a tight schedule tonight, so we only ordered a salt baked fish for two.Appetizer was a piece of melon placed on a small dish like an art display.It was a big fuss when three staff members crowded by our table removing salt from the fish, and moving the meat onto a separate dish
We had a tight schedule tonight, so we only ordered a salt baked fish for two.
Appetizer was a piece of melon placed on a small dish like an art display.
It was a big fuss when three staff members crowded by our table removing salt from the fish, and moving the meat onto a separate dish. It turned out there wasn't too much meat as we thought, though it made both of us full. Side dish was very light, making you feel healthy. If you prefer something with stronger taste, probably you should try something else!
This place is quiet and cozy, and they have friendly and attentive staff. It is nice to visit this place after work to chill out.