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位處觀塘的商廈大堂,Saturn Coffee Roaster 用上其直火烘焙的咖啡豆,在這純白簡潔的空間,製作成一杯又一杯優質咖啡,為商業區的大家帶來一點偷閑時光。無論是在大堂的梳化座位享受陽光,抑或點一杯外賣,走到距離不遠的海濱公園,這裏的咖啡飲品定能滿足你的要求。Located at the lobby of a commercial building, Saturn Coffee Roaster uses its self-roasted coffee beans to satisfy every taste buds with high quality coffee beverages.
Located at the lobby of a commercial building, Saturn Coffee Roaster uses its self-roasted coffee beans to satisfy every taste buds with high quality coffee beverages.
Iced Latte
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