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好多唔同味道嘅Bagel啊 ! 揾日一定要試下第二啲味(°▽°) 去到當然要叫主打之一嘅Triple biscoff 甜品bagal ,超級有特色!就連餐紙都係玩味風格Jesus (*゚▽゚*) 但飲品外型就比較普通,不過唔同顏色嘅bagal 配合影岀來效果都已經幾好~打卡friendly(*゚∀゚*) : 📸📸📸📸/5 (食物+舖面都算幾打卡able )Triple biscoff—— $65我會話佢好甜,但係會令我忍唔住繼續食嘅甜(〃ω〃)好邪惡! 不過再嚟都會忍唔住再叫(°▽°)Dirty genmaicha mochi —— $40Bagel 本身帶有綠茶嘅甘味,入面嘅mochi就帶點甜味,雖然有少少乾但我覺得幾好食,適合唔鍾意重口味嘅你Guacamole cheese fries 🥑 —— $70牛油果醬都幾好食! 不過記得趁熱食,啲芝士好快就黐埋㗎啦😂Lemonade —-$30Black tea —— $35Lemonade with Bagel 都幾夾~ 不過茶就唔建議大家叫,感覺上其他飲品會抵飲啲推薦值💡: ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️/5(力推鍾意食Bagel嘅朋友呀!! 門口都好靚,
打卡friendly(*゚∀゚*) : 📸📸📸📸/5 (食物+舖面都算幾打卡able )
Triple biscoff—— $65
我會話佢好甜,但係會令我忍唔住繼續食嘅甜(〃ω〃)好邪惡! 不過再嚟都會忍唔住再叫(°▽°)
Dirty genmaicha mochi —— $40
Bagel 本身帶有綠茶嘅甘味,入面嘅mochi就帶點甜味,雖然有少少乾但我覺得幾好食,適合唔鍾意重口味嘅你
Guacamole cheese fries 🥑 —— $70
牛油果醬都幾好食! 不過記得趁熱食,啲芝士好快就黐埋㗎啦😂
Lemonade —-$30
Black tea —— $35
Lemonade with Bagel 都幾夾~ 不過茶就唔建議大家叫,感覺上其他飲品會抵飲啲
推薦值💡: ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️/5
(力推鍾意食Bagel嘅朋友呀!! 門口都好靚,仲可以影下風格照添)
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Triple biscoff
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Dirty genmaicha mochi
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Guacamole cheese fries
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Triple biscoff
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Triple biscoff
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