84 瀏覽
我不嬲對素食嘅印象就係少選擇同好清淡,不過食過 @eatforgreen 之後就完全改觀😍 佢哋以「肉素共桌」嘅意念運行,餐點以低碳飲食為主,適合追求健康飲食既大家💪🏼 This restaurant changed my impression on the usually bland vegetarian options. They offer both meat and veggie options which are mostly revolved around sustainability. 呢到嗌任何主食+$38就可以有齊曬沙律、是日餐湯、多士同餐飲🥳 沙律用左酸酸甜甜嘅醬汁好開胃🥗 番茄湯雖然唔算好濃,但都幾鮮甜🍅 用黎蘸烘脆嘅多士一流🍞 You can change any mains into a set which comes with salad, soup, toast and a drink. 美國西冷配自家制燒汁$108U.S. Sirloin with Housemade Sauce牛扒網燒至外層焦脆,而中間依然處於粉嫩嘅狀態🤩 西冷脂肪分佈均勻唔會太肥膩,
This restaurant changed my impression on the usually bland vegetarian options. They offer both meat and veggie options which are mostly revolved around sustainability.
呢到嗌任何主食+$38就可以有齊曬沙律、是日餐湯、多士同餐飲🥳 沙律用左酸酸甜甜嘅醬汁好開胃🥗 番茄湯雖然唔算好濃,但都幾鮮甜🍅 用黎蘸烘脆嘅多士一流🍞
You can change any mains into a set which comes with salad, soup, toast and a drink.
U.S. Sirloin with Housemade Sauce
牛扒網燒至外層焦脆,而中間依然處於粉嫩嘅狀態🤩 西冷脂肪分佈均勻唔會太肥膩,幼嫩中帶啲咬口,牛香濃郁🥩 再點埋燒汁令層次感更豐富🆙 薯條嘅香脆同牛扒嘅肉香配合得天衣無縫,🍟
The beef was seared on the outside and remained pink and tender in the middle. It was elevated by the gravy and crispy fries on side.
Vegetarian Thick Pork Chop Rice w/ Onsen Egg
素肉含低飽和脂肪同幾乎0膽固醇,可以話係個唔錯嘅取代品✌🏼炸「豬」扒嘅外層焦黃酥脆,裡面口感似免治牛肉🤭 配日式燒汁同半熟蛋令鹹鮮味特出🍳 白飯可以免費轉白麵豉豆乳湯麵,拉麵彈牙掛曬濃郁嘅白湯,質素唔錯🍜
This fried mock pork chop had a crispy batter with an interior that felt like minced meat. The savouriness came from the Japanese sauce and onsen egg. I also opted for the Miso Soy Milk Soup Noodles instead of rice.
Melon Shaved Ice with Milk Cap
刨冰以半個密瓜殼上檯,打卡一流📷 蜜瓜鮮甜多汁,配綿密鹹香嘅奶蓋層次感十足🍈 個人覺得如果刨冰用牛奶整應該會仲正😛