2518 瀏覽
The location is very accessible just a few minutes walk from Water Street tram stop to Queen's Road West. Nice, clean and neat environment. I like the traditional Chinese wall paper which created an authentic Chinese atmosphere to the restaurant. Very yummy lamb dumpling and healthy soy milk. They also have vegetarian dishes for vegetarian. Will definitely return with friends.地点方便.從水街电車站步行三分钟到皇后大道西便到達店舖。环境清潔及干浄。店舖雖少但坐位舒適。最喜歡它的中国花牆紙。为店舖添上中国风特式。羊肉餃子非常好味。ㄧ口咬下肉汁四濺。配上豆浆更为相得益彰!菜單是中英对照方便点菜。並有素菜食品给