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說自己是拉麵界的天王, 相當大口氣. 這家良心拉麵店在紅磡舊區, 距離HKCC並不遠, 作為Late Dinner它的質素不錯, 當然香港拉麵店的普遍問題, 就是定價真的有點貴, 特別是當日圓貶值的時候. 這裏提供的拉麵選擇相對簡單, 就是豬骨, 辛辣, 黑蒜和當日限定. 喜歡嘗鮮的我, 自然就選擇了當日限定, 也就是黑椒芝士拉麵.麵身偏幼, 口感夠爽夠硬, 湯底是豬骨湯加上胡椒和芝士, 並不死鹹, 胡椒微辛, 芝士也提供額外的鹹香, 融化後湯底質感更濃稠. 叉燒肥瘦分明, 烤過之後的焦香與胡椒香味頗夾. 有皮脂肉三層的叉燒不是很多拉麵店會做, 現在已有不少的以慢煮為主, 能吃到如此原本的味道, 算是難能可貴.Tenno Ramen mean the king of ramen. The owner and chef has strong confident on the quality. The type of ramen is simple, original, spicy, black garlic and daily special. I have order the dail
麵身偏幼, 口感夠爽夠硬, 湯底是豬骨湯加上胡椒和芝士, 並不死鹹, 胡椒微辛, 芝士也提供額外的鹹香, 融化後湯底質感更濃稠. 叉燒肥瘦分明, 烤過之後的焦香與胡椒香味頗夾. 有皮脂肉三層的叉燒不是很多拉麵店會做, 現在已有不少的以慢煮為主, 能吃到如此原本的味道, 算是難能可貴.
Tenno Ramen mean the king of ramen. The owner and chef has strong confident on the quality. The type of ramen is simple, original, spicy, black garlic and daily special. I have order the daily special that is cheese pepper flavour. The taste and texture is not bad and deserve have a try.