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希慎廣場黃店coffee shop 落地大玻璃 環境舒適適合同朋友傾計又可以靜靜地自己睇書做嘢chill一日-A coffee shop in Hysan Place open area at 9/F next to the big book store is so comfortable and I can just spend a whole day there on my own or with my friends. The food is quite nice. The portion of the Wasabi Crab Meat Salad is good for me and there are lots of toppings in the salad, for example the citrus, blueberries, dragon fruit, onions and tomatoes etc. The crab meat is fresh and mixed well with the wasabi. It is quite refreshing to
A coffee shop in Hysan Place open area at 9/F next to the big book store is so comfortable and I can just spend a whole day there on my own or with my friends. The food is quite nice. The portion of the Wasabi Crab Meat Salad is good for me and there are lots of toppings in the salad, for example the citrus, blueberries, dragon fruit, onions and tomatoes etc. The crab meat is fresh and mixed well with the wasabi. It is quite refreshing to have crab meat with wasabi and it creates some excitement indeed. The 3 crab sticks are slightly cooked and it tastes good too. The americano comes with a small cup yet I still find the taste of the coffee is good to me.
🦀 Wasabi Crab Meat Salad ($78)
蟹肉沙律嘅份量都幾足 入面有好多唔同嘅配料 例如西柚 火龍果 洋蔥 藍莓 蕃茄仔 等等 當然最緊要係蟹肉嘅份量都唔少😍 而且蟹肉撈埋咗少少Wasabi 呢個combination都幾新鮮 食落都有少少刺激少少攻鼻😂 另外三大條蟹柳都抵讚 亦有輕輕燒過 多一份焦香 感覺亦唔錯!
🥤 Americano ($24)
咖啡係比較細杯嘅 味道都唔錯 唔係太酸嘅咖啡 幾啱我個人口味 我呢杯冇蓋冇飲管 支持環保都可以啦😉
😋 N.O.T. Specialty Coffee @ehoniahk
📍 銅鑼灣軒尼詩道500號希慎廣場9樓
#NOTspecialtycoffee #ehoniahk
#foodietummy_cwb #foodietummy_western #foodietummy_yellowshop