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呢幾年觀塘越黎越多新開嘅西餐廳,咁就梗係唔少得 @downtown.hk 啦😌 佢地位於美食聖地The Wave,因為獨自霸曬成層所以位置好寬敞,無論情侶、一家人、或者想包房開會開party都好適合👍🏼 佢地無幾耐之前開始有Semi Buffet Set,黎緊仲會陸續推出唔同啤酒同生蠔嘅優惠,記得留意住佢地社交平台啦👀 Downtown is a western restaurant that has opened for nearly three years in Kwun Tong. It is very spacious and nicely decorated, with private rooms to cater different events. They’ve started a semi buffet dinner set not too long ago, and there’ll be more promotions to come! 趁未上主菜就去睇吓self serve buffet有咩啦👅 平時出面嘅半自助餐只係會有沙律、幾種凍肉同埋少量甜品,好少見到好似呢
Downtown is a western restaurant that has opened for nearly three years in Kwun Tong. It is very spacious and nicely decorated, with private rooms to cater different events. They’ve started a semi buffet dinner set not too long ago, and there’ll be more promotions to come! 趁未上主菜就去睇吓self serve buffet有咩啦👅 平時出面嘅半 自助餐只係會有沙律、幾種凍肉同埋少量甜品,好少見到好似呢到咁豐富嘅選擇😍 凍海鮮有青口、螺同埋蝦🦐 沙律菜同醬汁都有好幾款,而最抵讚就係呢到嘅凍盤同前菜,例如酸醃海鲜、椰絲薯泥、烏賊蒸蛋等都係一啲有創意嘅菜色😙 熱盤有餃子、春卷、炒雞肉等,講真就咁食自助bar已經夠飽🤰🏻
The semi buffet bar has all the appetisers you’ll want. Cold seafood such as shrimp, mussels and seasnail, sashimi slices, salad leaves, and a whole variety of cold cuts. There are also hot dishes such as spring rolls, fried chicken and dumplings, which filled me up quite a bit. 澳洲和牛面頰肉醬大通粉 $348
Australian Beef Cheek Ragu Rigatoni
平時肉醬意粉係用碎肉,但佢地用左和牛面頰,除左口感更好之外,亦可以令和牛油脂嘅精華流入醬汁,為本身酸酸甜甜嘅番茄汁添加另一番風味🍅 醬汁裡面有大量蕃茄粒、香草同巴馬臣芝士,令其口感豐富😋 上面嘅溫泉蛋雖然有啲overcooked,但勉強都有流心效果,撈入意粉令味道更香濃🥚 最正就係佢地選擇左用大通粉,口感特別彈牙之外中間亦有大量空間盛載滿滿嘅醬汁🍝
Instead of using minced beef, they chose wagyu beef cheeks cubes instead to add a nice bite, while also allowing the essence and oil from the beef to integrate into the pasta sauce. The rigatoni was a nice container that could carry a mouthful of sauce and beef cubes. Mixing the onset tamago in created a smooth and creamier texture. 烤焗紐西蘭羊鞍開心果保雲蘇 $438
Pistachio Crusted New Zealand Rock of Lamb Provensal
寶雲酥羊架來自法國南部嘅普羅旺斯🇫🇷 通常羊架面層搽上芥末醬、麵包糠同香草再落去焗,而呢到再另外加左啲烘脆左嘅開心果碎,從而增加層次感🤩 食牧草長大嘅紐西蘭肉羊,脂肪比例較低,肉質幼嫩細滑🐑 加買羊炊汁或者果醬越食越開胃👏🏼
Lamb Provensal is typically covered in mustard, breadcrumbs and herbs, but they also added some pistachio crumbs to give it some crunch. The fat ratio was perfect, very juicy and flavourful. Having it with the lamb gravy and jam helped to decrease the oiliness. 最後點可以唔食 甜品呢~ 出面除左有經典嘅布朗尼、奶凍、朱古力撻之外仲有得夾糖,啲童年回憶即刻返曬黎🍭 想健康啲嘅話佢地都有幾款生果,有菠蘿、西瓜、哈密瓜等,樣樣都夠鮮甜🥰
The dessert trolley buffet included some classsics such as brownies, puddings and tarts. They also had a candy corner which I thought was quite special. The choices for fruits were also generous.