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餐廳終於重新裝修喺利園重開❤️真係期待已久,所以我哋一早book定開幕就即刻試吓,新裝修真係好靚,用咗本地回收木材,仲要係成舊木吊上餐廳,勁打卡😙Lunch Menu 有兩個前菜、三個main Dish同埋兩個甜品🤓💛Maitake mousse, Wagyu ox tongue, pickled shimeji, ramson oil💛Pumpernickel bread, cultured yeast butter, roast onion broth and lemon thyme💛Raw Blue fin Tuna in kohlrabi, kombu, apple and apple marigold juices💛Dry aged Guangdong duck, roasted in 100 flower honey and braised leg with pickled walnut💛Maitake mushroom, miso butter, grains, 3 yellow soft yolk and burnt chives💛Aerated Perfume lemo
Lunch Menu 有兩個前菜、三個main Dish同埋兩個甜品🤓
💛Maitake mousse, Wagyu ox tongue, pickled shimeji, ramson oil
💛Pumpernickel bread, cultured yeast butter, roast onion broth and lemon thyme
💛Raw Blue fin Tuna in kohlrabi, kombu, apple and apple marigold juices
💛Dry aged Guangdong duck, roasted in 100 flower honey and braised leg with pickled walnut
💛Maitake mushroom, miso butter, grains, 3 yellow soft yolk and burnt chives
💛Aerated Perfume lemon, buttermilk, lychee and Douglas fir
💛Warm 61% Conspiracy chocolate, artichoke and malt
我哋仲開咗兩支酒,sommelier 好helpful👍🏼大家唔使驚可以同佢傾吓了解吓飲咩酒好~新餐廳仲要用咗open kitchen,廚房入面勁多人,大家都各司其職,睇住佢哋煮嘢食好賞心悅目😍