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今次來到銅鑼灣的姚姚酸菜魚,這裡的環境充滿少女心,讓人感覺像是在享受下午茶🍰💫。餐廳以酸菜魚為主打,搭配多款川味小吃,真係食得過癮!💫**姚姚酸菜魚雙拼** $308 這道雙拼包含了新鮮的鯽魚和避風塘大蝦,湯底酸辣開胃,魚肉滑嫩可口,配上香脆的蝦,令人垂涎欲滴🐟🦐。特別推薦將油條浸入湯中,味道更上一層樓,真係好正!🤤🎵🎵🎵Experience the vibrant flavors of Sichuan cuisine at Yao Yao, where their signature pickled fish and creative dishes promise a delightful culinary journey. Perfect for a casual meal with friends or a cozy dinner date, this restaurant is a must-visit in Causeway Bay.
💫**姚姚酸菜魚雙拼** $308
Experience the vibrant flavors of Sichuan cuisine at Yao Yao, where their signature pickled fish and creative dishes promise a delightful culinary journey. Perfect for a casual meal with friends or a cozy dinner date, this restaurant is a must-visit in Causeway Bay.