235 瀏覽
離地鐵有10分鐘的距離,店內裝潢簡而又精美,牆上掛滿油畫,而吊燈也是用油畫改裝而成的。It’s around 10 minutes’ walk from the MTR station. The interior design and atmosphere is simple but beautiful. 午餐所有套餐均包括頭盤和主菜,價格介乎$68到$128不等,而飲品則需加點。Set lunch includes starter and main dish, the price ranges from $68 to $128 or above. Beverages are not included.黑松露野菌意粉 Truffle Mushroom Pasta with Onion Cream Sauce $78一上桌,黑松露配上野菌汁的香氣已扑鼻而來,意粉的份量十分充足。意粉上還有沙律,可一解油膩感。Very strong aroma of black truffles with cream sauce. Huge proportion of pasta. The salad he
It’s around 10 minutes’ walk from the MTR station. The interior design and atmosphere is simple but beautiful.
Set lunch includes starter and main dish, the price ranges from $68 to $128 or above. Beverages are not included.
黑松露野菌意粉 Truffle Mushroom Pasta with Onion Cream Sauce $78
Very strong aroma of black truffles with cream sauce. Huge proportion of pasta. The salad helps ease the greasy taste of the cream sauce.
香濃蝦汁海鮮燉飯 Seafood Risotto with Shrimp Bisque $88
The risotto is immersed in the flavor of shrimp, which is delicious. It’d be rather impressive if the risotto is a bit drier.
+$8 招牌水果茶 +$8 Fruit tea
A refreshing fruit tea for the summer.
另外,進餐時還聽見暑假有夏日優惠, 7,8月生日的壽星仔女有食神啦!
Besides, there is birthday discount during July and August. Do enjoy!