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Bakehouse 開業多年依然大排長龍,為的就是一嚐其經典酸種蛋撻。有別於港式蛋撻的撻皮,以牛角包麵團製作,多層口感非常酥脆。餡料香濃充滿蛋味,表層焗得焦糖化後猶如葡撻,品嚐後絕對會同意是主廚 Gregoire Michaud 集大成的自信之作。The long lines outside every branch of Bakehouse are all craving for its classic sourdough egg tart. Unlike the traditional Hong Kong-style egg tart pastry, it‘s made with croissant dough, creating a multi-layered, incredibly crispy texture. After tasting it, you’ll definitely agree that it‘s a masterpiece crafted by Chef Gregoire Michaud.
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