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隱世Pizza店,有❤️形Pizza,有卡位同長枱,幾舒適,啱一班朋友或者兩三個老友去食!- 《怪獸多寶》(心形迷你批) 超罕有見到有心形迷你pizza💛 心形已經好吸引,味道都好唔錯😋 擺咗陣影左陣相都仲好脆😍👍🏻 <Monster> $62 Love this lovely rare heart-shaped crispy mini pizza 🍕 - 《白汁海鮮闊條麵》同大部份餐廳唔同,唔係用普通意粉,而係用闊條麵,個人比較鍾意闊條麵,海鮮量唔算話好多但係都啖啖蜆肉,用白汁整嘅pasta,但唔會太漏,唔鍾意太creamy/thick嘅人都會接受到 ,份量亦都適中😋👍🏻 <Seafood fettuccine with cream sauce> $57 This pasta uses fettuccine instead of spaghetti, and I love fettuccine over spaghetti!😋 the cream sauce is just perfect! Not too thick, people hate thic
超罕有見到有心形迷你pizza💛 心形已經好吸引,味道都好唔錯😋 擺咗陣影左陣相都仲好脆😍👍🏻
<Monster> $62
Love this lovely rare heart-shaped crispy mini pizza 🍕
同大部份餐廳唔同,唔係用普通意粉,而係用闊條麵,個人比較鍾意闊條麵,海鮮量唔算話好多但係都啖啖蜆肉,用白汁整嘅pasta,但唔會太漏,唔鍾意太creamy/thick嘅人都會接受到 ,份量亦都適中😋👍🏻
<Seafood fettuccine with cream sauce> $57
This pasta uses fettuccine instead of spaghetti, and I love fettuccine over spaghetti!😋 the cream sauce is just perfect! Not too thick, people hate thick creamy pasta can try this dish too. You can taste clam every bite! Lovely!🤤
好彩叫咗兩件,身為一個炸雞粉絲,都覺得好味,即使食完其他嘢先食炸雞,都仲保持咁脆,真係食唔停口,不過兩件都夠我食😆食完好滿足🥰 正😍
<Signature fried chicken> $17 each
Super crispy even after taking photos and finished the main course! Like it soo much😋😋😋
杯凍檸茶都幾大杯 ,一定夠飲,叫咗少冰少甜,對一般飲台飲都叫半糖微糖嘅我就覺得啱啱好💕
<Iced lemon tea> $19/set+$5
Huge iced lemon tea! Less ice and sugar is the best choice for me (always order 30%/50% sugar for Taiwanese drinks)
Overall, I like the pizza and fried chicken the most! 💕
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