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6月20日早上10時左右,我哋一行二人到青衣富園海鮮酒家飲早荼,一名接待向我指示一張已有人坐嘅枱,我表示我哋唔想搭枱。佢就話唔搭枱要等,我表示冇問題。佢就將輪候號碼俾我,我哋就坐喺度等。30分鐘之後,嗰個接待讀出我哋嘅輪候號碼,又示意我哋要去嘅枱。我向她表示嗰張枱都係有客人架喎。佢回應我:你又唔早啲同我講!我立即回應佢:我一早已經同你講我唔撘枱,等咗30分鐘你依然俾一張有客嘅我哋!佢回應:唔撘枱唔L洗等牙?撘枱都要等呀!發現同佢不能正常溝通,我根本唔係同佢討論撘枱洗唔洗等嘅問題。我問佢姓氐,佢話佢姓Z。我要求見佢經理。佢話:我喺度係最大!你係咪傻架?你真係搞笑!然後佢就自己喺度哈哈大笑。我見佢有點失常,我哋二人就立即離開酒家。At about 10am on 20/6, two of us went to Tsing Yi Fu Yuen Seafood Restaurant for dim sum in the morning. A receptionist directed us to a table that was already occupied. I expressed t
At about 10am on 20/6, two of us went to Tsing Yi Fu Yuen Seafood Restaurant for dim sum in the morning. A receptionist directed us to a table that was already occupied. I expressed that we did not want to share a table. She said that if we didn't want to share a table, we would have to wait. I said that was fine. She then gave us a waiting number, and we sat down to wait.
After 30 minutes, the receptionist called out our number and indicated the table we were to go to.
I told her that this table was also occupied. She responded, "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"
I immediately replied, "I told you from the start that we didn't want to share a table, and after waiting for 30
minutes, you're still giving us a table that's already occupied!"
She responded, "You think you don't have to wait if you don't share a table? Even sharing a table requires
waiting!" I realized I couldn't communicate with her normally. I wasn't discussing whether we needed to wait to share a table. I asked for her name, and she said her surname was Z. I requested to see her
She said, "I'm the highest authority here! Are you stupid? You're really funny!"
Then she started laughing loudly to herself. Seeing that she seemed somewhat irrational, the two of us left the restaurant together.