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【🧅素友仔🍅揾食🌱】🇭🇰🌿素食餐單|Vegetarian Menu🌿🇭🇰位於Hotel ICON 唯港薈頂層28樓的高級中菜廳「天外天」坐擁維港景致,提供粵式美饌,亦有不少素食菜式可供選擇。💚Located on the top floor of Hotel ICON, Cantonese Restaurant - Above & Beyond, offers some of the city’s most lauded Cantonese cuisine with stunning views of the Hong Kong skyline. Serves meat, vegetarian and vegan options available.💚【唯港薈 - 天外天│Hotel ICON - Above & Beyond】@aboveandbeyond.hotelicon🌿健怡午市套餐 │Healthy Set Lunch🌿🥢餐前小食 Snack-琥珀合桃 │Candied Walnut🌱五香素春卷、 牛肝菌素珍餃、 青瓜白玉木耳Deep-fried Vegetarian Sp
🇭🇰🌿素食餐單|Vegetarian Menu🌿🇭🇰
位於Hotel ICON 唯港薈頂層28樓的高級中菜廳「天外天」坐擁維港景致,提供粵式美饌,亦有不少素食菜式可供選擇。💚
Located on the top floor of Hotel ICON, Cantonese Restaurant - Above & Beyond, offers some of the city’s most lauded Cantonese cuisine with stunning views of the Hong Kong skyline. Serves meat, vegetarian and vegan options available.💚
【唯港薈 - 天外天│Hotel ICON - Above & Beyond】@aboveandbeyond.hotelicon
🌿健怡午市套餐 │Healthy Set Lunch🌿
🥢餐前小食 Snack-琥珀合桃 │Candied Walnut
🌱五香素春卷、 牛肝菌素珍餃、 青瓜白玉木耳
Deep-fried Vegetarian Spring Roll,
Steamed Porcini Mushroom and Mushroom Dumpling, Marinated Japanese Cucumber with While Fungus
🎃白菌南瓜羹 │Braised Pumpkin Soup with White Mushroom
🥬芹香炒淮山 │Stir-fried Celery and Yam
🍅鮮茄浸菜苗 │Poached Vegetable Sprout with Tomato
🍚薑黄素菜炒飯 │Fried Rice with Turmeric and Assorted Vegetables
🥣是日精選甜品 │Dessert of the Day - 椰汁紫米露 │ Black Glutinous Rice with Coconut Milk
每位 $318
Priced at $318 per person
【天外天│Above & Beyond】@hoteliconhk
📍28/F, Hotel ICON, 17 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
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