2020-11-01 1161 瀏覽
🇪🇸Authentic Spanish Cuisine 高質地道西班牙菜🇪🇸—————A delightful Spanish restaurant with a lovely warm ambience and gorgeous high ceiling. Was so surprised when they presented me with a birthday card signed by all their staff. A very sweet gesture that made me want to re-visit for future celebratory events! 高質西班牙菜館,室內設計感覺好溫暖,樓底好高。還收到餐廳送嘅生日卡,好有親切咁,第時有咩慶祝都可能會再去🥰—————Iberico ham croquette 火腿可樂餅HKD 15/pcSquid croquette with “All-i-oli” 墨魚可樂餅HKD 15/pcThese were executed so perfectly! Hands down the best croqu
🇪🇸Authentic Spanish Cuisine 高質地道西班牙菜🇪🇸
A delightful Spanish restaurant with a lovely warm ambience and gorgeous high ceiling. Was so surprised when they presented me with a birthday card signed by all their staff. A very sweet gesture that made me want to re-visit for future celebratory events! 高質西班牙菜館,室內設計感覺好溫暖,樓底好高。還收到餐廳送嘅生日卡,好有親切咁,第時有咩慶祝都可能會再去🥰
Iberico ham croquette 火腿可樂餅HKD 15/pc
Squid croquette with “All-i-oli” 墨魚可樂餅HKD 15/pc
These were executed so perfectly! Hands down the best croquettes I have ever had. The crust was crispy yet extremely light and thin, the inside was filled with creamy delicious goodness. The ham one had was relatively saltier and more intense in flavour, whereas the squid one had a relatively milder flavour. The squid flavour was quite subtle but you can find bits of squid hidden inside the croquette. I prefer the squid one more and ordered extra because it was just so delicious!
Iberico  Ham  croquette
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Squid croquette with “All-i-oli”
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Octopus Galician style on potato “al caliu” 煮八爪魚HKD 130
The best cooked octopus I have had in a long wild! These were incredibly tender and well seasoned. A little too salty when eaten on its own, but when eaten together with the potatoes underneath, the flavour was perfect! Highly recommend👍🏻
Octopus Galician style on potato “al caliu”
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Octopus Galician style on potato “al caliu”
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Spanish lazy omelette with morcilla & chorizo 西班牙庵列HKD 90
Very surprised by its presentation, as I was expecting it to look a lot thicker. Nonetheless, it was for sure the best omelette I have ever had, and also the most expensive haha. It tasted very strongly of potatoes and eggs, with an added twist when you bite into the chorizo slices on top and the piece of morcilla placed in the centre. Love how finely they diced the potatoes, because instead of finding chunks of bland potatoes, everything just melts together into mouthfuls heavenly goodness. Morcilla is Spanish blood sausage, similar to British black pudding, mixed with onion and rice. I actually didn’t mind it at all, and find it a lot nicer than black pudding.
Spanish lazy omelette with morcilla & chorizo 西班牙庵列
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Spanish lazy omelette with morcilla & chorizo 西班牙庵列
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Deboned suckling pig, sweet potato puree, raw spinach 燒乳豬HKD 165
Was definitely not expecting this to look so similar to the roast suckling pig in Chinese cuisine. The skin was devilishly crispy and the meat beneath was braised to perfect tenderness. Though I have to say, among everything I have tried that evening, this was my least favourite and probably won’t be re-ordering upon my next visit.
Deboned suckling pig, sweet potato puree, raw spinach
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Deboned suckling pig, sweet potato puree, raw spinach
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Back paella rice 墨汁西班牙炒飯HKD195/bigger
Who else love getting paella at food markets? Haven’t had paella in a long while and this definitely met my expectations. Love the subtle briny squid flavour of the rice. There were also pieces of pork belly and squid that were cooked to perfect tenderness. I kind of wish they put more squid pieces or other types of seafood instead of the pork belly though, as the pork belly had the effect of overpowering that delicious briny squid flavour and making the dish just a tad too salty. Would love to try their other paellas next time!
Black  Paella  Rice
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Black  Paella  Rice 
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🧀 Spanish cheese cake 西班牙芝士批HKD 85
The cheesiest cheese cake I have had in a long while. Can truly taste that intensely tart, earthy flavour of the goat cheese. So if you dislike goat cheese, this might not be your cup of tea. It was the perfect cheese cake for me though, topped with a buttery pie crust and a refreshing scoop of raspberry sorbet, exactly what you need to end an amazing meal. Remember to pre-order the cheese cake when you make your reservations!
Spanish  cheese  cake
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Iberico  Ham  croquette
$ 15
Squid croquette with “All-i-oli”
$ 15
Octopus Galician style on potato “al caliu”
$ 130
Octopus Galician style on potato “al caliu”
$ 130
Spanish lazy omelette with morcilla & chorizo 西班牙庵列
$ 90
Spanish lazy omelette with morcilla & chorizo 西班牙庵列
$ 90
Deboned suckling pig, sweet potato puree, raw spinach
$ 165
Deboned suckling pig, sweet potato puree, raw spinach
$ 165
Black  Paella  Rice
$ 195
Black  Paella  Rice 
$ 195
Spanish  cheese  cake
$ 75
  • Iberico ham croquette
  • Spanish lazy omelette with morcilla & chorizo