3 瀏覽
去呢度開餐, 叫左一客麵包tasting with 4 dips, 四種dippings 有番茄粒粒, 豆蓉, 欖醬, cream cheese, 個人比較鍾意後三者, 尤其係帶酸既欖醬更和麵包有好既化學作用. 法包外脆內鬆軟, 合桃包也十分好吃, 反而覺得甜甜地既pumpernickel 同D dips 唔係太夾, 淨食比較香. 叫左一客煙肉磨菇angel hair, 是乾身無一大pat sauce 既, 但每條angel hair 都入味, 有blackpeper, garlic, butter and cheese 香. 另外個seafood risotto with tomato sauce 也ok, 不過由於唔記得叫佢煮al dente, 所以出黎比較淋.甜品叫左焗朱古力蛋糕同朱古力香蕉蛋糕with ice cream, 前者焗到面有D燶, 所以苦苦地, 後面好味D.之前也試過這裹既carrot cake, berry in rum cheesecake, brownie with ice-cream, 我覺得全部都唔錯呀~
甜品叫左焗朱古力蛋糕同朱古力香蕉蛋糕with ice cream, 前者焗到面有D燶, 所以苦苦地, 後面好味D.
之前也試過這裹既carrot cake, berry in rum cheesecake, brownie with ice-cream, 我覺得全部都唔錯呀~