94 瀏覽
呢間位於SOHO區嘅黃店酒吧成日都爆 walkin好多時都無位!!! 今次除左去飲酒 仲有食飯😆今次都飲左幾多酒🤣 啤酒方面 試左獅子山下 靈活 同埋Neonoteicl Leng Cha (少少似lemon cider) 獅子山下係佢哋招牌 fruity易入口! 而靈活就唔係成日有 但我幾中意! 佢比獅子山下更fruity同埋有少少花香味 味道再淡少少 更加適合女仔💓 我忍唔住叫咗兩杯😌 Neonoteicl Leng Cha 偏酸 但係幾清新 如果鍾意酸少少嘅就會鍾意 不過我自己就麻麻地! Cocktail方面 叫左一杯Godiva whiskey同一個芝麻花生湯圓! Godiva whiskey係新野 但係都沖得唔錯! 個朱古力明顯飲到係Godiva! 而朱古力同whiskey好夾 亦冇加好多糖漿 飲落唔會過甜 唔錯! 芝麻花生湯圓外型特別之餘 飲落都好正!!! 佢堅係芝麻花生湯圓嘅味 但係酒含量都高 如果唔鍾意酒嗰隻味就建議唔好叫因為飲落都keng😝 但我自己幾鍾意☺️講下野食先!!☺️ 由於我同朋友都唔係太肚餓 只係叫咗兩個餸 但係兩樣野都好好食!!!!! 由於我唔記得咗影低個M
今次都飲左幾多酒🤣 啤酒方面 試左獅子山下 靈活 同埋Neonoteicl Leng Cha (少少似lemon cider) 獅子山下係佢哋招牌 fruity易入口! 而靈活就唔係成日有 但我幾中意! 佢比獅子山下更fruity同埋有少少花香味 味道再淡少少 更加適合女仔💓 我忍唔住叫咗兩杯😌 Neonoteicl Leng Cha 偏酸 但係幾清新 如果鍾意酸少少嘅就會鍾意 不過我自己就麻麻地!
Cocktail方面 叫左一杯Godiva whiskey同一個芝麻花生湯圓! Godiva whiskey係新野 但係都沖得唔錯! 個朱古力明顯飲到係Godiva! 而朱古力同whiskey好夾 亦冇加好多糖漿 飲落唔會過甜 唔錯! 芝麻花生湯圓外型特別之餘 飲落都好正!!! 佢堅係芝麻花生湯圓嘅味 但係酒含量都高 如果唔鍾意酒嗰隻味就建議唔好叫因為飲落都keng😝 但我自己幾鍾意☺️
講下野食先!!☺️ 由於我同朋友都唔係太肚餓 只係叫咗兩個餸 但係兩樣野都好好食!!!!!
由於我唔記得咗影低個Menu 而佢哋嘅食物Menu會轉 我係憑大概印象作返個名出嚟😂😂😂 我哋叫咗個慢煮叉燒燉飯另外加$30加咗個鴨肝 另外叫咗個涼拌魷魚沙律😋😋😋
首先個慢煮叉燒整得好好食 舊叉燒本身半肥瘦偏肥 咬入去完全食到叉燒嘅肥美 出邊又燒到好香 真係好好食😍 個飯有啲似西式意大利飯 不過就唔係用意大利米 應該係用普通泰國米 因為佢冇意大利飯咁硬 依個汁嘅調味都非常唔錯!!!
個涼拌魷魚沙律聽落好似好普通 但係佢個汁好好味 涼拌魷魚本身又比較開胃 本身都唔太肚餓 但越食越想食😝😝😝
呢間餐廳我十分之推介 嘢飲又得嘢食又好食😝😝
Situated in the Soho area, this bar is always popular that you see lines all the time. Do reserve a table before going to secure the seats!
Regarding beers, we had their Signature Pale Ale, Be Water, and Neonoteicl Leng Cha. Their signature was fruity and malty, but not quite bitter, so it’s easier for girls. Be Water isn’t always on the menu as it was my first time seeing it there. It’s even fruitier than the signature, and there’s a hint of flower as the after taste! Not bad! 😋 Neonoteicl Leng Cha was a bit like lemon cider. It’s quite sour and refreshing. Go for it if you can stand sourness!
For cocktails, we tried the new one called Godiva chocolate, and the Sesame Mochi. The Godiva chocolate was impressive, as I could tell it was Godiva chocolate right away! Also, without much syrup added, the drink wasn’t overly sweet, and chocolate went quite well with whiskey.😚 The Sesame Mochi tasted exactly the same as the traditional Chinese Mochi dessert! Just one thing, it’s whiskey base and the alcohol content was rather high. Don’t underestimate this dessert-like drink and drink responsibly 🤓
I forgot to take a photo of the food menu and they changed the menu from time to time, so I just made up some names for them according to my memory😂🙈 We got a slow-cooked Char Siu (barbecued pork) with stewed rice, and we added $30 for a duck liver. We also got a cold squid salad.
First thing first, the Char Siu was scrumptious! The fat was quite evenly distributed, which made the texture very nice! The outside was nicely grilled (browned). The rice was a bit like risotto, except that it’s not as chewy. I think they used Thai rice instead of Italian risotto for that. Overall, it’s quite a nice dish that I would recommend to you.
The cold squid salad actually did surprise us. It sounded like a normal dish, but the sauce was really appetizing. We weren’t hungry at all, but the sauce just drove us to eat more 😂
Overall, this resto is highly recommended because of their excellent drinks and amazing food! 💓