1366 瀏覽
3/5味道不錯,不過遠啲啫,樂意再來。Taste nice, alittle fat, willing to come back again.(中英雙語,Chinese and English review)今日嘅黃酒雞係主角,我覺得店家係成支黃酒直接就用嚟煮雞,完全冇落水或其他液體,酒味非常之香濃。一開頭可能會以為淡味唔夠鹹,但係佢嘅咸味係入咗喉嚨之後先慢慢滲出來,飲飲下其實你反而會覺得咸咗啲。隻雞就係走地雞嚟嘅,但係就變咗會實啲同埋鞋。蠔餅啲蠔就冇問題嘅,但係個餅就唔知點解又厚又實。清炒油麥菜好鮮甜,可能因為望住個海景,背住個山食。甜品豆腐花正常,無乜特別。(Google translate)Today's rice wine chicken is the star. I think that the store will use the rice wine to cook the chicken directly, and it will completely drop water or other liquids. The wine tastes very strong. Wh
Taste nice, alittle fat, willing to come back again.
(中英雙語,Chinese and English review)
(Google translate)
Today's rice wine chicken is the star. I think that the store will use the rice wine to cook the chicken directly, and it will completely drop water or other liquids. The wine tastes very strong. Which is good
At the beginning, you may think that the mild taste is not salty enough, but the salty taste of the channel is slowly leaked out after it is in your throat. In fact, you will feel salty when you drink it.
A chicken is abit rough tho.
Oyster cakes not a problem with oysters, but they do n’t know that the solution is thick and solid.
Stir-fried youmai veggie are so fresh and sweet, probably because you are looking at a sea view.
Dessert tofu flower is normal, without special.
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