2012-12-14 15 瀏覽
knowing from a friend since their opening 2 weeks ago,sunflowerting want to "adore" it after a dinner as "a fans" of this dessert shop before my openrice account start it's really crowdy after 9:30pm by observation while customers seems non-stop come & wait outside, I decide the self-take-away service : mango pudding (芒果布甸) = a full set combination while pudding aside with mango-icecream & fresh mango meat , pudding is just right in texture as well as good balance between the taste of sweet &
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knowing from a friend since their opening 2 weeks ago,
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sunflowerting want to "adore" it after a dinner as "a fans" of this dessert shop before my openrice account start
it's really crowdy after 9:30pm by observation
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while customers seems non-stop come & wait outside,
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I decide the self-take-away service : mango pudding (芒果布甸) = a full set combination while pudding aside with mango-icecream & fresh mango meat , pudding is just right in texture as well as good balance between the taste of sweet & sour, nevertheless the mango-meat is not too soft nor sour too! Then the green-tea + red bean with dark-jelly (宇治金時涼粉) = taste really yummy too when bean is big & soft, soaked in sweet soup already when mouthful green-tea ice-cream in strong taste with various tender & chewable ingredient like dark-jelly, moche !
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found any different between photos & real product ? Then I order another chinese style :
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egg with "song-kee-sang" hot soup (桑寄生蓮子雞蛋糖水) & steam milk with egg-white (蛋白燉奶) : the "song-kee-sang" is a little bit too strong for its herbal taste while the other ingredients like egg & lotus-seeds already soaked with the strong smell of this herb
[; while the white dessert is too sweet without the frangrance of milk nor egg-white
IMG:9] nevertheless, I still need to wait over 15 minutes as I think the kitchen cannot digest those heavy-workload too!
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during waiting time, I found they have a new product
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: yogurt /pudding with "love-jade" (another name of Kanten) in glass when I never found in Mongkok branch before, should try next time too!
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I can see banner around the street corner
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which is in the corner of other street, aggressive step that catch every customers' eyes as much as it can !
題外話/補充資料: 桑寄生: 功效袪風濕、益肝腎,強筋骨,安胎。本品苦甘牲平,歸肝、腎經。性平,不寒不熱,袪風濕中,尤長於補肝腎,強筋骨,亦能養血益陰。故對風濕痹痛日久,損及肝腎,筋骨不利,腰膝酸痛之症,用之最宜。以其入肝腎,以養血益精,固沖任而安胎,故亦是胎動不安之常用藥。因此,胎動、胎漏,由於肝腎虧,精血不足,以及妊娠腰痛亦常應用,多以阿膠、川斷配用。 據文獻提供,桑寄生含有槲皮素、萹蓄甘、黃酮類物質,有降壓、鎮靜、利尿作用。桑寄生能擴張冠狀動脈,明顯增加冠狀動脈血流量,並對抗垂體後葉素收縮冠狀動脈的作用,能降低血壓,擴張血管,抑制心臟收縮。具有明顯的中樞抑制作用和利尿作用。 此外還能抑制傷寒桿菌和葡萄球菌的生長,對脊髓灰質炎病毒和其他腸道病毒有明顯的抑制作用,故可治肝腎虛弱的風濕痹痛、高血壓、冠心病及婦女胎動不安等症。既能祛風濕、舒筋骨利關節又能補肝腎、強筋骨而加強抗病能力,還有養血安胎功能。
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
8 分鐘 (外賣自取)
  • 宇治金時涼粉
  • 芒果布甸