1852 瀏覽
This is already the second time for me to visit this restaurant! I was waiting for my friend at about 9 o'clock and luckily, they're still open to business!Although their famous poke were sold out, I was still able to get the Spam Musubi as I was in the mood of some spam Since it's a friday night, the cute shop owner offered me a few shots of whiskey! This is what I like about the shop, the owner is incredibly generous as I still recall the first time visiting Pololi, the owner offered me a tast
I was waiting for my friend at about 9 o'clock and luckily, they're still open to business!
Although their famous poke were sold out, I was still able to get the Spam Musubi as I was in the mood of some spam Since it's a friday night, the cute shop owner offered me a few shots of whiskey! This is what I like about the shop, the owner is incredibly generous as I still recall the first time visiting Pololi, the owner offered me a taste test of everything they're selling!!
I was amazed by the vast variety of protein topping available! They have 6 different kinds of seafood of your choice including Tuna and Octopus of special tastes! They're so kind that they provide 3 different vegetarian choices for those of you who wishes to go under a healthy diet! You can also choose (rice, salad or both rice AND salad) to go with your topping, see? They provide a balance meal with protein, carbs and veggies!
Another thing I absolutely love about the shop is the Hawaiian Beers! I am not a big fan of beers since they're filling and they tasted like wheat. YET, the Hawaiian Beers are fruity and full of flavour, although it's not cheap, it still tastes better than your regular Tsing Dao beer.
最令我意外嘅係老闆竟然記得我,見到我好開心咁同我打招呼仲同請我飲野。心情即該好到爆,雖然已經好夜招牌嘅Poke就賣晒,不過好彩我唔係太肚餓食小小野啱啱好。一個好食嘅Spam Musubi其實即係午餐肉同飯, 不過自已就整極都整唔到正宗Hawaii味道...
我鍾意嚟嘅原因係佢有好多唔同嘅選擇, 一共有6種唔同嘅海鮮(Tuna同Octopus)同三種素食嘅蛋白質, 仲可以揀配飯,沙律或者兩樣加埋。有菜有澱粉質仲有蛋白質,最適合喜歡均衡飲食嘅各位。仲照顧到素食嘅朋友十分細心。
最後要介紹嘅係佢地嘅夏威夷啤酒。我本人對呢d低酒精又飽肚嘅嘅飲品係無興趣嘅,但係佢呢度嘅啤酒真係好好好好飲, 甜甜地好啱唔飲開酒嘅女仔, 所以真係大大力推介!