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I remember reading Foodiewil raved about their cakes here in July (where is that guy nowadays? ), then scouring through the 1st page of reviews, discovered from GourmetKC that the Strawberry version is also recommended. It certainly sounds strange - a Restaurant serves and sells the best crunch cake in HK, huh?! Anyway in Aug 09 then again in Oct, I arrived here eating my Early Dinner - Cakes, I just adore them! ******************************STRAWBERRY CRUNCH CAKE - Only this remained availab
Only this remained available by the piece. The Strawberry Cream outer coating was generous yet fluffily soft, it also carried a very berry-like aromatic profile even though its confectionery! Under this first coating, lied surprisingly another thin 'Chocolate Cream layer' under - which was pretty good and the whole concept probably a variation of Napolean Ice Cream! Chiffon cake inside was moist and wonderful, more about that next.....
Here's some shocking news first : though Maxim's HK advertise their own crunch cake version as 天使蛋糕 in Chinese, in reality, its TERMINOLOGY errr... might not be entirely Correct. Authentic Angel Cakes in English, even Devil's Cakes aka 魔鬼蛋糕, are merely 'borrowed names' due to the case of convenient interpretations between English and Chinese. The translations into Chinese appeal highly to potential cake customers, but its just another good marketing ploy invented by Maxim's Group! In reality, AUTHENTIC Angel Food Cakes don't carry moistness in the base sponge like a Chiffon foam Cake - one cannot mix them up, as Patissiers must adhere to rules and distinguish between different bases.
The One Bar Crunch Cake version used a real, moistened & fluffy Chiffon base and is NOT an Angel cake-base, it cannot as such be called a 天使蛋糕! ITS VERY ADDICTIVE. The Crunch referred to are Honeycomb Crumbs, crispy, full of aerations and surprisingly not cloying - perfect and light years ahead of the super hard versions of Maxim's, now that could chip some brittle teeth! Here its just right, Crunchy yet Light. Personally, I found the Strawberry Crunch Cake version to suit me better. The normal Cream Crunch Cake version becomes filling after just 3 bitefuls, its also quite sweet. My other favourite Cream Cake is the plain cake from Italian Tomato Cafe (the only cake I eat from there!) - the cream in that version is whipped to a harder texture but is more natural in cream taste. The cream layer in One Bar's cake is more velvety, almost like shaving cream, but its not entirely made of natural cream, hence their slight tasting differences.
Using a specialty blend from a well known brand, its a Cross-Over collaboration by a famous Australian Roaster together with a well known Commercial Coffee Supplier - the Espresso di Manfredi by Piazza d'Oro blend is slightly artisanal in taste with a biggish body but not overly roasty - it carries a very unique peanutty taste and grittiness in the background, with a long finish.
Unfortunately? The Espresso-Shots here are made by pressing a button on a full-sized Automatic Machine, so they aren't extracted well as its impossible on ALL AUTO MACHINES, definitely NOT what the original Roaster had in mind. Also the milk frothing part by different baristas on separate days yielded really different outcomes. My Caffe Latte was nice enough for an 'Auto Job' 1 day, it paired well with my cake. Yet a Cappucino on latter visit was thinnish and had crappy acid. (Starbucks Beans in comparison have been roasted specifically for usage in their Fully Automatic Machines, even the double milk-frothers in Starbuck outlets operate automatically these days and no longer adjusted by Baristas much. Since their operations are mostly Automated, it eliminates Barista inconsistencies & that's why they taste the same everywhere - meaning underperforming and watery! Auto-machines are highly flawed in concept, compared to a Semi-Auto or Manual-Pulled machines....
I therefore can't slap down a Summary Judgement on the potential of this Imported Coffee, as they were never given an opportunity to defend itself as a true calibrated extraction! However its possible to buy it for making & trying in your house or at a friend's cafe! (Note: I actually know this coffee brand - its actually regarded more Commercial-Biased than Independent-Roaster Artisanal back in its homeland, though its bean characters instantly stands out relatively within HK anyway, since many 'modernised' commercial blends in Australia don't taste very commercial unlike the Italian commericalised counterparts, the latter usually focussed on that full-bodied experience with loads of roastiness and cremability. In Australia, the terminological difference between 'most, but-not-all' Commercial Brans vs Independent Roaster Coffees or anything in between - is more calculated by Production Scale or Market Share, than judged by the Flavours.... but as always, there are many exceptions.)
CAKES - '5'
COFFEE BLEND POTENTIAL - 'Unknown Until Tested'