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蘇浙滙是一間很有水準的上海菜館,把正宗 (Authentic) 和現代 (Contemporary) 風格的上海菜揉合在一起。在香港想吃到有質素的上海菜,不妨試試蘇浙滙的香港分店。蘇浙滙本身是一間於上海頗有名氣的餐廳,我們每次到上海都會光顧的,想不到它居然在灣仔開了一家分店。雖然菜式有點不同,價錢也挺貴,但大部份都保持水準,最突出是酒醉膏蟹($488),確實可觀 (Visual) 和可口 (Taste),尤其不能錯過,其他如招牌黑叉燒($88)和糟滑魚片($148)也各有傳統上海蘇浙風味,在香港很少見到,都值得一試。晚餐大概$300到$400一位。It is a nice surprise to find the famous Shanghai-based Jardin de Jade (蘇浙滙) in Hong Kong as it is a restaurant that made a "wow" in the Shanghai dining scene, opening several branches in other cities in China. It is not ha
It is a nice surprise to find the famous Shanghai-based Jardin de Jade (蘇浙滙) in Hong Kong as it is a restaurant that made a "wow" in the Shanghai dining scene, opening several branches in other cities in China. It is not hard to understand why because Jardin de Jade combines authentic and contemporary Shanghainese cuisine in one setting and it is the restaurant we went to every time we visited Shanghai!