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I noticed most of the coffee connoisseurs here order the likes of cappuccino, espresso, latte and mocha. However, since Fuel is a New Zealand brand (born and bred in Wellington, the capital) and New Zealanders love their flat white, it'd be wrong not to order one. For those who aren't accustomed to antipodean ways of coffee drinking, a flat white is a coffee beverage prepared by pouring steamed milk from the bottom of steaming pitcher over a single shot (30ml) or double shot (60ml) of espresso.
For those who aren't accustomed to antipodean ways of coffee drinking, a flat white is a coffee beverage prepared by pouring steamed milk from the bottom of steaming pitcher over a single shot (30ml) or double shot (60ml) of espresso. It is typically served in a smaller cup than, say, a latte.
That aside, I've tried flat whites from a few other coffee joints in Hong Kong (most noticeably from the place in Wan Chai) and I have to say, this is one of the best flat whites I've had outside of New Zealand - although in saying that I wouldn't say I know my coffee that well, I just know what I like
I'm glad they didn't use a strong, bitter blend to make their flat whites. My weekday caffeine fix is a 'latte' made with a strong, bitter blend of coffee bean which completely overpowers the mere presence of skim milk and a spoonful of sugar, so a strong coffee was the last thing I need.
Anyway, I digressed.
The flat white was served in a light aqua ceramic cup with a matching saucer, coupled with one stick of coffee sugar and a teaspoon. The foam was nice and wet (what you'd expect of a flat white anyway), and there was a layer of foam on top which could be used as a means for coffee art, but I was glad the barista only left his mark with rudimentary traces of milk being poured into the cup.
Taste wise, the temperature was neither boiling hot nor lukewarm and the taste was smooth and velvety. Right temperature, right texture. Like.
I was very impressed with their service as well - being there before the weekend lunch rush helps I guess. One of the female baristas was very helpful and went into some detail in describing the different blends of coffee beans that the joint serves, noting that the beans are all roasted in New Zealand, and what particular blend of coffee was used to make the flat white I had just consumed.
I briefly took some mental notes so that I could consider which coffee beans to buy once I get myself a coffee machine and grinder, thanked her before I left and went on my merry way after a good weekend morning eye-opener. Bliss!
If it weren't for the $40 price tag, I'd literally camp here with a novel or netbook every weekend.