25 瀏覽
I really love eating bread (especially 法國麵包 with dried fruits)....Everyday before going to work, I will spend lots of time in different 麵包店 and choose my favourite bread. In these few months,I enjoy "shopping" in Breadtalk. As I can purchase healthy bread (without suger and butter) there. Today, I brought two kinds of healthy bread: 麥片合桃提子包 (HK$9): super 紮實 and 煙韌, with lots of 合桃及葡萄乾 inside. And the bread is very cprisy because of 麥片 on top. Only cost HK$9 and you can enjoy this big big yummy
In these few months,I enjoy "shopping" in Breadtalk. As I can purchase healthy bread (without suger and butter) there.
Today, I brought two kinds of healthy bread:
麥片合桃提子包 (HK$9): super 紮實 and 煙韌, with lots of 合桃及葡萄乾 inside. And the bread is very cprisy because of 麥片 on top. Only cost HK$9 and you can enjoy this big big yummy bread. I eat al least two for each breakfast time ar
法式葡萄 (HK$6): Another raisie bread, the top is very cprisy even not just baked. Inside many many 葡萄乾 can be found. When comparing with 麥片合桃提子包, this one is more sweet and less 煙韌. But don't know why this bread seems 焗 ''lung'' all the time, because its top is always bitter and dark in color. Need to improve ar