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因為疫情,所以押後了跟朋友的生日慶祝。趁著週末,我特意找一間高檔而寧靜的餐廳,記得朋友喜愛食意大利餐,所以我就做好功課,要找一間真正的意大利餐給朋友好好慶祝。- Because of the COVID-19 epidemic, the birthday celebration with my friend was postponed. During this weekend, I deliberately found an upscale and quiet restaurant, as I remember that my friends love Italian food, so I did my research and found an authentic Italian restaurant for the celebration.我詢問朋友,得知位於中環的 Monteverdi Restaurant and Bar是一間地道的傳統意大利餐廳,餐廳環境高貴得來其間隔又可以讓食客舒適地邊食邊談天,正好用作慶祝用途。- I asked my friends and knew
- Because of the COVID-19 epidemic, the birthday celebration with my friend was postponed. During this weekend, I deliberately found an upscale and quiet restaurant, as I remember that my friends love Italian food, so I did my research and found an authentic Italian restaurant for the celebration.
- I asked my friends and knew that the Monteverdi Restaurant and Bar in Central is an authentic traditional Italian restaurant. The restaurant’s environment is noble and the intervals between tables allow diners to eat and chat comfortably, which is good for celebration.
- Since Monteverdi specializes in traditional Italian cuisine, we mainly follow the restaurant's Special Menu to try the real Italian flavor.
西餐當然少不免有餐包提供,Monteverdi 將麵包切好,我們再添加橄欖油和黑醋用作調味。
- Of course, western food is inevitable with pieces of bread at first. Monteverdi cuts the bread, and we ourselves can add olive oil and black vinegar for seasoning.
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頭盤我們點了餐廳的Today's special,Mussels in Buzara style。青口平時就食得多,但要西式的地道煮法相信就比較難找到。不說不知道,原來 Buzara style 是克羅地亞菜的煮法。青口新鮮及大顆之餘,重點都是落於其醬汁當中,我們食得出非常濃郁的橄欖油、大蒜、辣椒、tomato passata等等香味。克羅地亞菜再混上意大利菜的煮法,再配上蒜蓉麵包,添上其Buzara style Sauce,濃稠的醬汁會使得蒜蓉包更加入味。
- For appetizers, we ordered the Mussels in Buzara style of Today's special. We usually eat mussels, but I believe it is more difficult to find authentic Western-style cooking. Buzara style is the cooking method of Croatian cuisine. The mussels are fresh and large, but the focus is on the sauce. We can get very strong aromas of olive oil, garlic, pepper, tomato passata, and so on. Croatian cuisine is mixed with Italian cooking, and garlic bread is added which its Buzara style sauce is added. The thick sauce will make the garlic breadmore flavorful.
Mussels in Buzara style
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傳統的意大利菜,當然要必食意大利粉。餐廳的Today's special 中,有一道 Wild Boar Ragu with Pappardelle,中文可譯作托斯卡納野豬拉古寬帶麵。托斯卡納野豬拉古寬帶麵,可能是意大利最著名和最受歡迎的野豬食用方式。其實,野豬是非常健康的肉,與普通豬肉相比,它的卡路里,脂肪,飽和脂肪和膽固醇含量更低。餐廳將豬肉煮得嫩滑,再加上紅酒,蕃茄等調味料,混上滑嫩彈牙的寬帶麵,味道絕對與一般西餐廳食到的不能相提並論。強調一點,Pappardelle 真的非常彈牙,口感絕對一流。
- For traditional Italian dishes, pasta is of course necessary. In the restaurant's Today's special, there is a Wild Boar Ragu with Pappardelle. Wild boar Ragu Pappardelle is probably the most famous and popular way to eat wild boar in Italy. In fact, wild boar is very healthy meat. Compared with ordinary pork, it has lower calories, fat, saturated fat and cholesterol content. The restaurant cooks the pork tenderly with red wine, tomatoes and other seasonings, and then mixes it with smooth and elastic Pappardelle. The taste is absolutely incomparable to those found in ordinary western restaurants. To emphasize, Pappardelle tastes absolutely superb.
Wild Boar Ragu with Pappardelle
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Wild Boar Ragu with Pappardelle
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意大利餐的主食,就來個Hunter Chicken Stew with Roasted Baby Potato,即獵人的雞。這味Hunter Chicken Stew 是意大利北部的名菜,以豐富的洋蔥,蘑菇和蕃茄炮製而成,雞肉煮得滑口,而醬汁亦是非常入味。用其醬汁再配上香口薯仔,特別惹味。
- The selected main is Hunter Chicken Stew with Roasted Baby Potato. Hunter Chicken Stew is a famous dish in northern Italy, it is made with onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc. The chicken is cooked smoothly and the sauce is very tasty. Moreover, when the sauce is paired with fragrant baby potatoes, it is simply tangy.
Hunter Chicken Stew with Roasted Baby Potato
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Hunter Chicken Stew with Roasted Baby Potato
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最後,我們選了一款猶如Tiramisu 的甜品,叫做Limanisu。Limanisu 是由檸檬酒作為主要的基調,甜品放進口中自動溶化,食落帶果甜而又有檸檬酸味。
- Finally, we chose a Tiramisu-like dessert called Limanisu. Limanisu is based on limoncello. The dessert will automatically melt in the mouth, and it is very sweet with lemon sour.
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我們點了兩杯 Cocktail。Black Russian是伏特加和甘露咖啡利口酒調製而成的雞尾酒 ,其Vodka的濃度比起咖啡較高,查看得知伏特加和甘露咖啡利口酒是以5比2的比例調和而成,所以味道會有點兒苦中帶甘。
- We ordered two cocktails. Black Russian is a cocktail made of vodka and manna coffee liqueur. The concentration of Vodka is higher than that of coffee. As checked that vodka and manna coffee liqueur are blended in a ratio of 5 to 2, so the taste will be a little bit bitterness brings sweetness.
Black Russian
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傳統的Cocktail,Sex on the Beach 不會令人失望,價錢亦都相對不貴,朋友覺得 Vodka 的比例亦都較高。
- The traditional Cocktail, Sex on the Beach, will not disappoint. The price is inexpensive and my friend feels that the proportion of Vodka is relatively high.
Sex on the Beach
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- Monteverdi is indeed a traditional and authentic Italian restaurant. The staff are very friendly and the decor is comfortable. This restaurant is recommended for celebration uses!