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服務態度好有問題尤其是有一個員土女仔係啡色頭髮都冇心機去聽客人要咩需求,我明明好清楚要一杯熱黑咖啡black.俾完錢之後佢就去batista 講咗我order在啲乜。跟住barista就去沖杯咖啡俾我見到佢沖左杯凍咖啡俾我。我明明話熱咖啡佢就沖左杯凍咖啡俾我。跟住我就同個barista講話我其實喺要熱咖啡嘅,佢就好似當冇乜嘢。我費事煩呀咁我就算啦我就照要左去廢事哂咗啲 soe+ 咖啡豆。佢地講句唔好意思都無。如果經歷我實在不快樂去享受一杯咖啡。因為其實我喺從來唔飲凍咖啡。我建議大家唔好去以間。同埋依個barista沖咖啡都唔好飲。I ordered a black coffee specifying hot to the staff (a girl with blonde hair) that took my order. She then went to the batista and tell her what I ordered but I can't hear what she say to the batista. After the batista have made m
I ordered a black coffee specifying hot to the staff (a girl with blonde hair) that took my order. She then went to the batista and tell her what I ordered but I can't hear what she say to the batista. After the batista have made me a iced black coffee which is not I want as I said in the beginning I want a hot coffee. I don't really drink iced coffee so I told the batista I have ordered hot and not cold. The staff didn't have any response to me and didn't even apologize. Feel they don't want to re make my order. So I just take the iced coffee as I don't want to argue with them and besides don't want to waste the coffee bean as well because is SOE+ bean. Also the barista didn't make the coffee great. The coffee taste bad. I had a bad expernace having a cup of coffee. So I will not recommend to everyone to go there and get coffee Don't waste your money on this coffee shop. Put your money elsewhere on better expernace in coffee.