7 瀏覽
一開始都預左食物唔掂, 因為好多人話呢度只係氣氛好..但實情係...我唔覺得佢差 wor!! 食物真係唔錯!!Especially for the cheese ball!! 蟹蓋, 帶子,蟹腳 Yummy Yummy!!價錢係唔平..但真係抵!! Bf 難得會讚我安排得好..浪漫!!我 order 2 人餐! 雖然size 細細,但勝在款式多!!有紅蛋蛋..birthday card.. birthday song.. DIY Chocolate.. and the calenda!!老闆娘仲要好 nice, 三不五時有驚喜和新計仔!!我地好lucky..今晚突然有新 product!! "發發發", as per 老闆娘遲D仲有 "喜喜喜" 和 "福福福"連呢D咁細的位都照顧埋!! Good!!值得一去!!
但實情係...我唔覺得佢差 wor!! 食物真係唔錯!!
Especially for the cheese ball!! 蟹蓋, 帶子,蟹腳 Yummy Yummy!!
價錢係唔平..但真係抵!! Bf 難得會讚我安排得好..浪漫!!
我 order 2 人餐! 雖然size 細細,但勝在款式多!!
有紅蛋蛋..birthday card.. birthday song.. DIY Chocolate.. and the calenda!!
老闆娘仲要好 nice, 三不五時有驚喜和新計仔!!
我地好lucky..今晚突然有新 product!! "發發發", as per 老闆娘遲D仲有 "喜喜喜" 和 "福福福"
連呢D咁細的位都照顧埋!! Good!!