2016-12-19 8435 瀏覽
We had a group of 30 people and took up the entire restaurant, it's good that they have flexible doors that can fold up and open the space to cater for larger crowds. The wine cellar is gorgeous, worth going there just to have a drink.The 3 cheese platter and 4 cuts of cold meats were a good way to start drinking without getting too drunk too quickly.The 6 course menu looked really appetizing, and the food did not disappoint, everything was colourful, beautifully presented, with a great balance
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We had a group of 30 people and took up the entire restaurant, it's good that they have flexible doors that can fold up and open the space to cater for larger crowds. The wine cellar is gorgeous, worth going there just to have a drink.
Cheese  and  meat  platter
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The 3 cheese platter and 4 cuts of cold meats were a good way to start drinking without getting too drunk too quickly.
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126 瀏覽
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1752 瀏覽
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The 6 course menu looked really appetizing, and the food did not disappoint, everything was colourful, beautifully presented, with a great balance of colours, textures and flavours
Amuse  bouche - scallop
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The amuse bouche was a scallop with (I think) cucumber foam, but as it wasn't specified in the menu, we all had a go guessing at what it was.
Wagyu  with  uni
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Waygu carpaccio was just slightly sinewy with a little bit of fibrous bit left behind, but the uni was creamy and not too overpowering, a good mix of land and sea.
Lobster  apple  soup
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The apple chunk was quite large, and appeared to take centre-stage instead of the lobster, but the apple added sweetness to the dish and it was lovely creamy texture.
Turbot with mussels,  very  smooth
82 瀏覽
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Turbot was sooooo smooth and melted in the mouth.
Veal with chestnut cream,  perfect
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I loved the veal tenderloin most, the sweet chestnut cream added a bit more depth to the dish and the meat was very tender, cooked to a nice even pinkish hue.
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A small bit of meringue with some berry compote, some crunchiness from the almond bits too.
Panna cotta
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The panna cotta had a spring to it when you dig your spoon it, and wasn't too sweet as the figs were already quite sweet. Well balanced.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1500 (晚餐)
Amuse  bouche - scallop
Wagyu  with  uni
Lobster  apple  soup
Turbot with mussels,  very  smooth
Veal with chestnut cream,  perfect
  • Turbot with mussels
  • Veal with chestnut cream
  • Veal tenderloin