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I'm not sure if I was suppose to put this into another category. Anyway...This kiosk has the best hot chocolate in town! I'm not sure if it's Manjari or the Viagra (sorry don't remember the V name) one, but the milk chocolate light chocolate. I tried both, the dark one is slightly sour when it was made with real dark chocolate. I think they use some valhrona paste to make it. I really appreciate how the staff takes such great care in making them, especially one of the managers - who I saw taste
I'm not sure if I was suppose to put this into another category. Anyway...
This kiosk has the best hot chocolate in town! I'm not sure if it's Manjari or the Viagra (sorry don't remember the V name) one, but the milk chocolate light chocolate. I tried both, the dark one is slightly sour when it was made with real dark chocolate. I think they use some valhrona paste to make it. I really appreciate how the staff takes such great care in making them, especially one of the managers - who I saw taste testing some of them before he gave them to the customers, hygineically with a seperate spoon. It was marvellous. Ever since I had my first cup, I frequent this shop on a weekly basis - just indescribably the best hot chocolate in town (slightly better than McDonalds, much better than fuel, starbucks, small private cafes etc)
There is one thing I hope the customers are aware of before making their trip though, is that one of the staff is a very bad hot chocolate maker. Not to be racist, but just want to identify this staff - she's the chubby short philippino woman who is at the kiosk most of the time. When the kiosk is less staffed on Friday afternoons (off peak), and she made two of my hot chocolates. The first time I bought it, I'm not sure if she wasn't trainned or whatever, but the hot chocolate she gave me was literally milk and chocolate SEPARATED! I kept drinking and felt like I was drinking just milk (for $31?!). So I drank about 3/4 of it and asked her to remake it because this wasn't the usual hot chocolate I get. The colour was also significantly lighter. What happened next was outrageous. She refused to at first saying I drank half of it already, but I insist that it's because I can taste NO CHOCOLATE at all. She "remade" it for me in the end (what happened next is outrageous, readers prepare) - pouring my HALF DRANK hot chocolate into the jug, added a bit more hot chocolate and steamed it together (yes, the coffee you drank right now probably had contents from my saliva in it!) - I was outraged, but since it was my own saliva, I just took it without saying anything. The hot chocolate however, still taste disgusting, so I just trashed it in the end.
Three or four weeks later, I unluckily ordered a hot chocolate made by her again - thought she won't be making it because other staff was around. Equally tasteless. Since then I wouldn't order anything if she was near the espresso bar. Just now I bought another one (desperately praying that she won't touch my hot chocolate, and thank God - she didn't) it's perfectly fine. The other baristas were all perfectly fine. I hope LGB could reimburse me with a gift certificate by pointing out how they can improve - and make sure she's trainned or don't touch hot chocolates - and keep their steamers clean. Just want to illustrate what I said above with photos: