2023-03-30 754 瀏覽
Recently, on Openrice's social media page, they featured a few places in Hong Kong that offer indoor shrimp fishing. I had no idea this existed. So, I chose one called Halloland from the several they featured as it was new. New would mean more hygenic? Right? At least that was my hope. We booked a time slot and went to give it a try. We found that booking during a weekday afternoon was far easier as weekends are fully booked out. The place was located inside an industrial building that was right
Recently, on Openrice's social media page, they featured a few places in Hong Kong that offer indoor shrimp fishing. I had no idea this existed. So, I chose one called Halloland from the several they featured as it was new. New would mean more hygenic? Right? At least that was my hope. We booked a time slot and went to give it a try. We found that booking during a weekday afternoon was far easier as weekends are fully booked out. 

The place was located inside an industrial building that was right near APM so it was easy to find. Ringing the bell, they let you in. And inside was a whole other world.
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Prices are listed in Chinese only. There was no English but it was easy to decipher. One hour is $140, two hours was  $240, etc. There is no service charge as you are just using their facilities. It was suggested we do two hours so we did.
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They also offer group party bookings.
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On the walls are rules of conduct as well as tips and tricks. Also, in Chinese. But not to  worry. The staff do explain to you what to do and teach you how to catch shrimp for beginners.
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There is also a poster where it says some shrimp will have a ribbon tied on it. If you catch that, you get a special prize.
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There are two large pools. This is where you catch the shrimp. They will bring you to your station.
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The other side is a dine in area where you can rest and eat your catch where they will cook it for you.
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Drinks are also available for purchase. Because I discovered shrimp fishing is exhausting.
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A spin the wheel is on one wall. One of the ribbons gets you a free spin on this to see what prize you get.
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They also have a claw machine (also won if you get a shrimp with a colored ribbon). There is also professional fishing tackle and poles if you don't want to use their free ones. 
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Otherwise, you use their free poles. Each person gets a pole along with a plate with mini shrimp, tweezers, a wet towel and a hanging net to store your catch.
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The mini shrimp was actually the bait! I had no idea shrimp ate themselves. It was a bit ironic.
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The staff taught us to pluck off the tail and head. Only use the body part to the hook. Don't make it too big because the shrimp can't bite into it. There are two hooks available on each pole along with a double float pole bouy. When you see the bouy sink, that means a shrimp has taken a  bite. Be patient  and tap your wrist slightly to ensure it's truely hooked on. Then drag it forth and remove it from the hook an into your net for storage.
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So, did we catch anything? Is this all a scam? Was I so terrible? Because we did see others catching plenty of shrimp.  I can proudly say we caught one after one hour! Hip hip hooray!
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Then after into our second hour, we caught another! This one was bigger and had a mysterious pink ribbon tied to it's foot! We had apparently won  a prize! Something I honestly didn't think was possible as I always believe in scams. But this was true! Apparenlty, I won a free bottle drink.
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Here's our catch!
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And as they stated, everyone gets at least 6 shrimp per person. So they filled the colander with a total of 12 shrimp. You can bring your catch home or have them cook it for you. We cooked it so we eat there.
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The staff cleaned them up, heavily seasoned with salt and sandwiched them between a grill rack. Popped it into a broiler and they cooked away for a set time.
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They have several sauces to choose from for dipping along with plates and paper towels. A sink is also available for handwashing.
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And then they were cooked! Absolutely delicious!
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A lot of fun that even beginners can do. We saw someone even bring their child as well. The place is fairly clean. They do refill with more shrimp every hour and we found that to be the easiest time to catch shrimp. Definitely fun for everyone.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$240 (下午茶)