第一次準備落order,侍應突然行開去另一台寫單,之後也冇返黎。叫第二個侍應,我淨係講左食咩未叫野飲,就即刻行開,都唔確定我既order,搞到我都唔知究竟有冇落到order。到第三個侍應先終於落到曬所有order。我由餐廳開張去食到依家,發現服務態度每況越下,仲要見你一個人食飯,就唔想serve你,好似係度阻住做生意咁(果陣時未係食dinner既黃金時間)。去附近其他餐廳好過。I’ve been here since they opened their restaurant, and each time I come here, there is a noticeable drop in the quality of customer service. This is likely the last time I will come here for food again. I wasn’t even here during peak or rush hour.As a solo diner, I definitely felt a different kind of treatmen

I’ve been here since they opened their restaurant, and each time I come here, there is a noticeable drop in the quality of customer service. This is likely the last time I will come here for food again. I wasn’t even here during peak or rush hour.

As a solo diner, I definitely felt a different kind of treatment from the waiters and waitresses. It was as if they didn’t want to even bother serving you and deliberately picked spots that do the “least damage” to business. It’s not obvious, but you can definitely sense it in their attitude. It’s as if they dread having to serve a solo diner because they want to serve more customers per table for money instead.

There was something I wasn’t sure about regarding the menu, so I asked a waitress for clarification. She was super friendly and even sat in the seat opposite me. After her explanation, I was about to think for a few seconds to make my decision about what to order, but then she literally stood and whizzed to another table to take their order. I was a bit shocked as it was so obvious I was about to place my order. She never came back to take my order.

I waved to another waitress after an awkward while of waiting. The second waitress came somewhat reluctantly. I placed my order of the dish I wanted and was expecting her to repeat the order and double check with me as a lot of waiters and waitresses do normally. I was also about to order a drink to go along. But she just walked away without any interaction with me after I placed the food order. I was left hanging as to whether my order was placed, AND I hadn’t ordered my drink yet either. Again, another awkward wait and again, the waitress never returned.

Finally, I waved to the third waitress and explained I hadn’t finished placing my order and wasn’t sure if the order had been placed either. She took my order once again, this time the complete one, and at last I was able to sit and wait for my food.

The food and drink arrived, and the quality was so so. The rice noodles were a bit soggy and mushy and it wasn’t because of the sauce. You could tell the rice noodles were soaking wet when they were dumped into a pan of oil to be panfried. So basically it was oil and water in the rice noodles.

Given the quality of customer service here, I would never consider coming back again. There are just so many places nearby that serve better food AND have much better customer service. Don’t bother coming here.
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