2014-06-06 1193 瀏覽
I've had my reservations regarding this shop. When I first stumbled upon it in Causeway Bay, undoubtedly I was thrilled to give it a shot! First chance I got (and when my brain remembered) I went and gave it a go, but it was rather disappointing. I don't know about you, but when I imagine a cupcake, I imagine something quite delightfully magical! But I must say, that if I was looking for gourmet, I probably should've hopped my booty over to some michelin star restaurant; I digress. The cupcakes
I've had my reservations regarding this shop. When I first stumbled upon it in Causeway Bay, undoubtedly I was thrilled to give it a shot! First chance I got (and when my brain remembered) I went and gave it a go, but it was rather disappointing. 

I don't know about you, but when I imagine a cupcake, I imagine something quite delightfully magical! But I must say, that if I was looking for gourmet, I probably should've hopped my booty over to some michelin star restaurant; I digress. 

The cupcakes here aren't devestating by any means, they're quite alright actually. There's just something about the way their cakes are made, that makes it seem more like I'm eating a muffin, rather than a marvellous cupcake! Putting aside my prejudice towards Twelve, I decided to stop by this cupcake stand on my way to the gym (oh the irony!). 

When I got there, the stand was empty, with a sign placed stating the girl who was there would be back. I'm not blaming her for going to the restroom, but I'm just saying that not all customers are patient, and sometimes people are in a hurry, and thus become frustrated and leave. Anyway, she did take quite a while to come back though, and as I was about to leave, she came back. I ordered the red velvet, and she didn't ask if I wanted it packed or eaten right then. Instead she assumed I would like it all packaged up, and I didn't have the heart to tell her otherwise, since she'd already done so. I know this isn't a page where we protest against wasting resources, but c'mon, can't you just ask, thereby, reducing waste? In the end, I just threw away the packaging and kept the plastic bag until I could recycle it. 

People say that 'third times the charm' - not in this case. There is a big dallop swirl of cream cheese pasted on top of the cupcake. I took a bite of just the cheese, and it just had an overwhelming taste, and it was definitely not 'airy' as written on the cardholder at their stand. It just tastes like regular cream cheese that I used to blend, and it's thick on top of that! When you take a bite with the cake, all you get is a mouthful of cheese, and granted the cake doesn't have much taste either (nor does Kisses, let me just state that, to be fair!). Surprisingly, their cakes seemed to have improved, or perhaps it's just this one. The cake isn't as dense seeming as the other times I've had Twelve. Although, their cake just tastes like those marbo cakes you can get at your local supermarket. 

Overall, nothing spectacular... the cake just made me feel indifferent towards it. I don't feel inclined to try their red velvet again. However, Twelve is a good place to go for inventive flavors distributed! They've got some rather interesting flavors like peanut buter and jelly, peanut butter chocolate (which I've tried, and was rather disappointed by, because yet again, it only has an overwhelming peanut butter taste), and cookies and cream to name a few! 
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