This restaurant always gives a homey feeling because of its bright cozy background with their country music playing. Relaxing and comfy whenever entering. I visited this restaurant before while last time was quite a rush experience as it's approaching their closing time. Last experience wasn't memorable as noodles in beef soup was nothing special. Today I decided to try their drynoodles instead.Tea sets give a wide range of options. I chose their shredded chicken in dry noodles in pepper & chill
This restaurant always gives a homey feeling because of its bright cozy background with their country music playing. Relaxing and comfy whenever entering.

I visited this restaurant before while last time was quite a rush experience as it's approaching their closing time. Last experience wasn't memorable as noodles in beef soup was nothing special. Today I decided to try their dry
noodles instead.

Tea sets give a wide range of options. I chose their shredded chicken in dry noodles in pepper & chill sauce, adding the side spicy garlic pig ears, and a cold golden monk fruit sea coconut tea as drinks.

Spicy garlic pig ears was very crunchy, not as garlicky as I was hoping for. I requested for their baby spicy level, but still gave a mild numbness. For those who tolerate more spice and coriander haters, they allowed special requests.

Moving on to the dry noodles. I was kind of anxious after having the appetiser due to the numbness not yet fade. Thankfully the noodle set provided the marinate sweet cherry tomatoes, which thoughtfully cleansed my palate.

Shredded chicken in the dry noodle was very nice. Moist and tender. Apart from el dante noodle, the amount of sauce was perfect, neither oily nor overly salty. Especially mixed with the peppery shredded chicken, the whole noodle dish enhanced. This brought back the memories of Taiwanese street food “shredded chicken”.

Gold monk fruit sea coconut tea was perfect, not too sweet or being diluted with the ice. Smartly to cool off the heat and the numbness at the end.

Staff was friendly and greet with smile. Willing to help and had been very helpful with the qr code ordering. As the options of discounted price with added side dish were a bit easily missed, staff friendly offering help and adjusted.

P.S This restaurant is pet friendly, as long as they are inside the pet bag or strollers. Thumb up to include our dear friend, pets 👍🏽
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