2016-09-07 662 瀏覽
our years ago, the areas near The University of Hong Kong can be considered a culinary desert of sorts. You can walk for miles and not find a single plate of food worth your time. But with the construction of the metro, as well as the continued expansion of the university, today, the entire Sai Wan area is bustling with hipster joints and places serving exciting, exotic cuisine. However, this change in landscape created another problem - one which affected the wallet rather than the palette. Mor
our years ago, the areas near The University of Hong Kong can be considered a culinary desert of sorts. You can walk for miles and not find a single plate of food worth your time. But with the construction of the metro, as well as the continued expansion of the university, today, the entire Sai Wan area is bustling with hipster joints and places serving exciting, exotic cuisine. However, this change in landscape created another problem - one which affected the wallet rather than the palette. More often than not, these new places are expensive, too pricey for the average student to dine in regularly. So throughout my four years studying at The University of Hong Kong, I was constantly on the lookout for a restaurant that was both delicious and friendly on the wallet; and during my third year, I discovered Ah Yat's and my problems were solved. 

My old man had a motto regarding to exotic food - 'only eat in places where the locals do'. While I usually ignore 99% of the stuff that comes out of his mouth, I do agree with him on this. I had incredible Indian Thali meals in the back alleys of Singapore's Little India just by eating where the country's migrant workers did; I slurped amazing bowls of Pho in Hanoi by visiting stalls most popular amongst local people; and in Hong Kong, I found incredible small, local Chinese restaurants by simply following my fellow Mainland classmates. 

Despite living in China for most of my life, I have no idea where the famous sour spicy noodles come from. I've seen them in Cheng Du, and I've seen signs saying that they are from Chong Qing, another chilli loving province. What I do know is that when they are done right, these sour spicy noodles can be delicious. It is a heartwarming, yet complex mouthful of intense heat, saltiness and sourness. Customers then get to select their choice of toppings, which range from deep fried pork chops to an array of offal. Like any good sour spicy noodle store, when you walk into Ah Yat's, you will be greeted by the scents of deep fried proteins and long simmered spices. You and your clothes will stink afterwards, but then again, it is all part of an authentic experience. 
Sour Spicy Noodles w/ pork chops and tripe
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My bowl of deep fried pork chop and tripe sour spicy noodle (HK$39) smelt delicious and tasted even better. The pork chops, perfectly fried, were crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The slices of tripe added a little funk to the dish and the noodles were soft as they should be. The broth was a display of complexity. It was sour, salty and very spicy, and the Sichuan peppercorns provided a bit of zest. However, what makes this whole bowl sing are the toppings - peanuts, parsley, pickles and the store's homemade chilli paste. Stir them into the broth and the whole thing is elevated to another level. My only complaint was that the entire thing was too spicy. I love chilli to the extent I could happily add it to anything, and I can devour the spiciest dishes as long as they taste fantastic. Yet when you can hear a diner choking from the level of spice every few minutes, it is slightly overboard. 
Deep Fried Chive Dumplings
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My also ordered the deep fried chive dumplings (HK$30). It was fried to a perfect crisp, and tasted fine, yet for reasons unknown to me, they decided to serve it with a huge dollop of ketchup. But all is not lost, save the dish by requesting for an extra bowl and filling it up with the store's own homemade chilli (The same thing they put in the noodles).

This, in essence, is a near perfect university student meal. It is very reasonably priced and the portions are generous. For many of the students studying at The University of Hong Kong, this tastes like home - salty, spicy, delicious food. I really do like this place, and despite the chilli-induced coughing fits, I can happily eat here all the time.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
5 分鐘 (堂食)
Sour Spicy Noodles w/ pork chops and tripe
$ 39
  • Sour Spicy Noodles