889 瀏覽
Get here early or be prepared to queue because this place is tiny and packed during lunch service. One taste of its pho and you will understand why. This place serves Hanoi style cuisine. Their pho is different than the ones most people are used to. This is northern style pho, which is simpler than southern style. The broth is clear and light, but still very flavourful. The beef is marinated and minced, like authentic Hanoi style. And the beef balls are big and chunky. Unlike southern style pho,
One taste of its pho and you will understand why.
This place serves Hanoi style cuisine. Their pho is different than the ones most people are used to. This is northern style pho, which is simpler than southern style. The broth is clear and light, but still very flavourful. The beef is marinated and minced, like authentic Hanoi style. And the beef balls are big and chunky. Unlike southern style pho, this doesn’t come with fresh herbs and condiments. Here, the herbs are added to the soup already, and all you need is some fresh chilli if you prefer and a squeeze of lime juice.
The noodles here are so incredibly soft. They hold their shape, but they are as light as pillows. No other place makes them this good.
Eating this bowl of pho transports you to Hanoi. It is so bang on authentic! And all the flavours are so light, it’s like eating a warm hug. It just leaves you so happy!
The fried spring rolls are also perfectly wrapped and cooked. They are made order so come piping hot out of the fryer.
I leave most HK places that claim to serve pho feeling disappointed and - in the case of that terrible place in Wan Chai called Spring Field - infuriated that they insult Vietnamese cuisine with her abomination of beef and overcooked noodles. But this place is the real deal. I’m so happy I came here even though I live no where near Yau Ma Tei. But I would make the trek over just to eat.this pho over and over again!
The staff are also super friendly and welcoming. Really just a solid and pleasurable dining experience. And a gazillion times better than Spring Field!!!