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上個暑假到了許多地方吃喝玩樂,多得趕不及寫文!其中一個我很喜歡的地方是合和中心的旋轉餐廳。之前也在Passion一篇提到我的母校就在灣仔,所以唸書時曾經試過在中午時份跑到旋轉餐廳吃飯(學校的午飯時段偶而會因應老師們的特別會議而延長)。不過,舊時的旋轉餐廳主打自助餐,後期更淪落成內地旅行團的廉價食堂!幸好上年初西班牙餐廳View 62進駐這個美美的旋轉場館,於是我們又重回舊地,試試新餐館。I’ve been to quite a lot of restaurants last summer before work started. It will take me ages to write about each and every lovely place I’ve visited but I’m trying to share with you some of my favs. As I mentioned in my post on Passion, my alma mater is in Wanchai so I enjoy exploring in this district
I’ve been to quite a lot of restaurants last summer before work started. It will take me ages to write about each and every lovely place I’ve visited but I’m trying to share with you some of my favs. As I mentioned in my post on Passion, my alma mater is in Wanchai so I enjoy exploring in this district. One of my favourite new places is VIEW 62 by Paco Roncero at Hopewell Centre. 62/F of Hopeful Centre used to be a cheap buffet restaurant when I was in high school but it looks as posh as a hotel lounge after renovation. Just love the panoramic view alongside the slowly revolving floor platform.
I have been told that the executive chef of this Spanish restaurant is famous for molecular food science. I don’t know as much as my sis does about molecular gastronomy (etc etc) but the food I had at View 62 last summer was pretty awesome!
We all had Lobster Suquet with its own Carpaccio as appetizer. Their Russian salad with mayo foam didn’t appeal to us as much as their seafood! The soup was rich and full of fresh lobster meat. Yums with the hot bread!
Then we had cod buns as Tapas. The fried cod buns tasted like Portugese Bacalhau (yeah I know the Portuguese and the Spaniards are neighbours). Slightly on the salty side but the crispy crust made it up. Overall, a good Tapas.
We ordered different mains. First came this Grouper with Cuttlefish Noodles in Squid Sauce. The springy fish meat and cuttlefish noodles had an interesting texture. I loved that taste of freshness in this seafood dish.
Then came this Iberico Secreto Teriyaki with Pumpkin Puree. I love this main dish the most. The sweet aroma of pumpkin matched well with the lightly grilled and slightly sweetened pork meat.
Finally, the Beef Tenderloin with Portabello Mushroom and Potato Puree. I always believe that the quality of the meat is decisive in dishes like this. We were not disappointed. The beef was tender, juicy and went well with the mushroom sauce. It wasn’t the most innovative dish but it was one of those unbeatable bonds in culinary history... you know… beef and mushrooms living together happily ever after…
Pineapple with yoghurt foam was served as dessert. It didn’t look too impressive but the taste was beyond my expectation. It was so refreshing for the taste buds. Simply but nice. Quite liked it personally.
The coffee was also beyond my expectation in another way. Not impressive at all. I would suggest ordering other drinks instead.
Had a chat with the waiter after lunch and reckoned that the Spanish chef would only stay in Hong Kong for a while. The business at View 62 would be run by other chefs who station in Hong Kong. We were quite fortunate to be able to try out View 62 before the famous chef left for Europe! I wonder if the food would still be as good when we visit next time! ;)
Take the lift on the 17/F entrance of Hopewell Centre to get to the restaurant.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)