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Date: Tuesday 12th Oct 2010 9.20pmOrdered: Signature Cheesecake半熟芝士蛋糕 + Custurd cake 焦糖香草忌廉蛋糕 + Almond Cream Puff 鹽味焦糖泡芙Taste: Cheesecake 半熟芝士蛋糕 It was delicious. At first I was sceptic. How can a half cooked cheesecake be good. But it was rich in flavour. i loved the texture, it was dense but with moist unlike some cheesecake it could be very dry. You can taste the cheese but you can taste a rich flavour of egg. it was very weird but i liked the taste. it reminds me of eating egg Mayo. that
Ordered: Signature Cheesecake半熟芝士蛋糕 + Custurd cake 焦糖香草忌廉蛋糕 + Almond Cream Puff 鹽味焦糖泡芙
Taste: Cheesecake 半熟芝士蛋糕 It was delicious. At first I was sceptic. How can a half cooked cheesecake be good. But it was rich in flavour. i loved the texture, it was dense but with moist unlike some cheesecake it could be very dry. You can taste the cheese but you can taste a rich flavour of egg. it was very weird but i liked the taste. it reminds me of eating egg Mayo. that creamy egg taste but with cheese. served with some cream on top with extra creamy taste and moist. it was very good indeed. too bad it was so little.
Almond puff-鹽味焦糖泡芙 This was very disappointing indeed. The puff was not a puff, was very soggy. seemed to me it has been there for a few days. usually puffs are light and fluffy with abit of crispiness.. it looked vey good and in generous size. It just did not seem fresh at all.
Custurd cake 焦糖香草忌廉蛋糕 I ate this 3 days after buying it so it has been sitting in the fridge for 3 days. I expected it to have gone stale, and taste like my fridge. But it was not at all. It was probably not as fresh as it was meant to be, but still better than other cakes from other shops. I can taste the strong custurd. It was so tasty. It is probably not worth nearly 40 hk dollars, but it was good, and I liked howit is crunchy on the top and it is not too sweet.
Conclusion: I expected alot from Chez Shibata as it is from Japan, but it was quite disappointing as japanese have high standards. . There are plenty of high end cakes for cheaper or same price but better than this like my favourite, Tony Wong. If it was cheaper then it is probably worth the money, but it was 36 odd hk dollars.