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有6間分店 早餐黎講唔算平特別嘅係有機茶飲 跟餐+$3原來係compress左嘅茶但料同奶茶差唔多第一次飲 係有少少咸咸地不過其餘就同奶茶冇咩分別都好飲嘅😎👌🏼辣沙甸魚豬仔包 ($44)呢個好似有澳門特色d佢翻譯豬仔包係Macau bread😂烘得勁脆 好食喎沙甸魚唔係好辣 都唔惺夾埋個豬仔包又幾好食👍🏼另外就叫左個火腿炒蛋跟多士 ($48)普通 大家想像到嘅味啦😂
I was reluctant to dine at this restaurant because I thought it was related to the one in Hong Kong but it has nothing to do with the one in Hong Kong and the food is different.Tried the spicy Sardine crispy roll and instant noodles with curry beef.The instant noodles were amazing because the curry broth was really flavourful but not too spicy and the beef was soft.The sardine crispy roll was nice because the roll was soft and crispy. It is just an average roll but it tasted far better than the crap in Hong Kong.For drinks the coffee was surprisingly good because it was weak but probably too weak for HKers.