6-min walk from Exit B, Whapmpoa MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 14:30
17:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
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Phone Reservation
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Review (48)
Level4 2021-10-07
每次經過都想食,但次次都爆曬棚要等位所以放棄,今次難得早去,終於食到,我們大約7點到,都差唔多滿座🤣,這家正宗潮州菜究竟有咩魔力,地方都幾大,嘈嘈吵吵,又有啤酒小姐sell 藍妹,好有大牌檔風味,餐牌巳經好吸引,好多花款,價錢亦唔平,好多野想食,研究完一輪終於都係食返平時叫開既野🤣▪️涷烏頭 $228用楊氏烏頭,魚油豐富,鹽焗咸味啱啱好,食完一半呀姐仲細心幫我哋剪左條魚骨,好細心▪️鵝片拼鵝肝 $258食過最好食嘅,鵝肉味好香濃,鹵得好入味,鵝肝更加不得了,用上獅頭大鵝肝,好軟淋,真心好味😋▪️韭菜豬紅 $55佢個汁令到平平無奇嘅豬紅韭菜超入味▪️蠔仔肉碎粥 $62D料多到食到底都仲好多,好正宗,有好多𧐢仔,方魚,肉碎,香芹,莞茜,𧐢仔粒粒飽滿,超正💛💛▪️藍妹啤洒$36本來冇諗住飲,但藍妹姐姐叫支持下佢🤝🤝🤝 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-01-18
每次做冬屋企食飯都想上嚟食打冷, 因為知道餐廳一定好多人,所以已經專登揀星期四同早啲去…結果7點未到已經坐滿左……好彩咁岩有張卡位埋單,等左陣就入得必食: 鹽焗元朗黃油烏頭肉質結實新鮮,有魚味,唔愛食魚嘅人都會鍾意食!香菇滑雞煲仔飯加臘腸 煲仔飯好大個而且好香! 個人激讚佢啲臘腸,真係好好食,口感同味道都好好,又唔太肥潮州鹵水拼盤, 用料充足,墨魚非常爽口!仲有紅腸、鵝腸、鴨腸、豆卜、鹵水鵝等等…海鮮窩, 鍾意食魚嘅朋友啱曬,仲有好多海鮮,蝦、蜆、花蛤、墨魚等,湯底非常好清!一滴油都冇又好鮮甜! 我地四個人飲曬成兜湯一滴都冇話梅骨,係之前食過今次再食,開胃可口,令人食唔停口新忠記碟頭非常之大,適合一家人或者一大班人一齊去食! 值得一讚嘅係侍應都非常頭醒尾做事快手! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-05-30
This restaurant is one of my favorite places for Chaozhou food. Came here with my wife and my other 2 friends the other day, and it was on a Friday. Normally this restaurant is packed with people waiting in line before 20:00. We arrived around 21:00, so we got seats right away.Signatures dishes are fired oysters cake, oysters congee, marinated gooses, pork belly meat, Intestines, Wutou fish, and fried clams.Overall, I’ll rate this restaurant 4/5 Fried Oysters Cake:- well fried with a nice crisp outside, and fills with a lot of oysters. Rate 4/5 Oysters Congee:- very tasty as there are a lot of oysters, minced pork meat, green onions, dried fish too. I personally like to add a little pepper in the congee. Rate 5/5 Plum Sauce Spare Ribs:- very delicious, as the sauce matches with the spare ribs. Rate 5/5 Sacha Beef with Gailan:- nomnom dish as the sacha sauce is a perfect match with the gailan veggie. Beef is quite tender too. Rate 5/5 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-05-25
同朋友去新忠記食晚飯,因為夜夜地所以唔洗等位, 叫左沙爹炒芥蘭, 煎蠔餅, 方魚肉碎蠔仔粥 同梅子排骨。沙爹炒芥蘭: 好夠味, 芥蘭都好炒得好夠獲氣同埋仲好翠綠同爽口 煎蠔餅: 炸得幾好, 唔算好炒, 但覺得D蠔仔唔係好夠鮮味, 不過夠香口, 唔錯唔錯方魚肉碎蠔仔: 都係覺得D蠔仔唔係好夠鮮味, 不過不失, 份量都夠既梅子排骨: 即得一讚係呢個梅子排骨, 佢個味調得0岩0岩好, 唔會太酸或太甜。D排骨都幾多肉同幾淋, 好醒胃好好好送飯, 份量都好多不過整體黎講覺得有少少貴, 4個送食左$466 , 小菜黎講唔算好扺食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-04-26
今日收工喺公司附近近近地搵食紅磡附近最夜收得呢間2個人叫3個菜剛好滷水鵝腸勁好食好夠味花生雞腳 好入味同香重點份量都好多再叫多個芥蘭牛仔骨 正!好好食可以日日都食收工 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)