2-min walk from Exit A2, Sham Shui Po MTR Station
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6103 6823
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I was walking around in Sham Shui Po and got a bit hungry. I remember my friend told me about a dumpling shop that she goes all the time so I went to look for it. It was a bit hard to find because it is located in the wet market. Anyway, I finally got there. I ordered my favourite fried dumpling with mince and leek. They were so crispy and smell so good. The mince and leek were seasoned perfectly. The dumplings tasted so good with their special spicy sauce. The imitation shark fin soup was so tasty as well. I couldn't resist to order one because everyone else is eating it around me. The fish mince was not fishy and a bit chewy. The soup was very thick and filling.
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Sham Shui Po is as place that always bring the most interesting foodie finds. And on this day, I found something pretty spectacular.Located behind some market stalls, is a shop that serves noodles and rice. It's not pretty to look at. In fact, it looks like it's been here for a long long time. Every table is full and there are people waiting. Seating is cramped and you share a table with strangers. This place has not mention in any media or foodie blogs. There were no magazine clippings on the wall. Nothing. Yet it was busy with a steady stream of people sitting down, eating and leaving.Boyfriend and I walked by, curious and sat down. There is not English name on the shop. Just Chinese. The menu is found on the wall. Surprisingly, the menu is in English and Chinese!Beef Stew with Rice in Special Sauce ($30). Boyfriend ordered this and it was ... ok. Nothing really spectacular with this. The beef was moist. The sauce it was braised in wasn't as rich as most other places that did something similar.Pork and Chive Dumpling Shanghai Noodle Soup ($28). First, super value for money. Most places only give you 4 dumplings. This place? SIX! SIX DUMPLINGS! FOR $28!!The dumplings were large in size. The skin not too thick and not too thin. It was smooth with no starchy aftertaste. They were stuffed with chives and pork. These were quite possibly the best dumplings I've ever had in Hong Kong.House Special Fish Soup ($15 for small size). We chose a small size bowl of house special fish soup as it was the house special. For a small size, there was quite a decent portion size. The fish meat was shaped in thin strands. It had a strong fish taste and had a nice bouncy texture. These were pretty good and I think I could have downed another bowl.A great find when I least expected. Service was friendly. Surprising as most places like this would just give you gruff service. Will definitely return again if in the area.
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夏天中午時天氣炎熱時,去午餐都只是想在家的附近進行,行多步或是要乘車去別處都懶得去,不過今天收拾了懶惰的心情去了深水埗食喜歡的韮菜餃拉麵食店「明發」。十一時多去到時已經開了,選了最入的枱就坐下了,看到了價錢升了一些,不過都是叫了平時會叫的醬爆肉飯、韮菜餃拉麵和手打魚肉湯。醬爆肉飯($30) 爆香了豬肉塗上了一些甜甜的醬汁,旁邊有有一些的生菜,豬肉爆香了十分之入味,配上了甜甜的醬汁味道一流,如果叫了多菜少肉感覺健康感重了一些,仍然保持到水準。韮菜餃拉麵($28) 數一數有七個的韮菜餃,大小上都幾大,入面的餡料很多,豬肉味濃但都就沒有豬臭味,馬碲都是大大粒,要皮都幾薄,食落味道十分豐富,大粒的馬碲十分爽口和有質感,加上了一些辣蘿蔔來食,辣感不太重所以每一次都下很多來食,下面的拉麵仍然十分之爽身,又是味道可以之選。手打魚肉湯($19) 下了一些的胡椒粉就可以食,魚肉沒有腥味,粉感不重,每一口都充滿了魚肉的感覺,配少少的生菜來食很有懷舊的感覺,保持水準的小食。其實只要自身不太懶,總可以找到一些好味的食物,雖然食完行了一陣已經全身濕透,但心中仍然覺得值得的。
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又到深水捐窿捐罅搵好食,終於捐到去北河街街市附近食餃子,位於基隆街及南昌街附近,店舖隱藏在綠色的小排檔後面,門口坐著2位正在努力包餃子中的靚姐,我諗這餃子店都是家庭式作業的,門口及內裡牆上都貼着老闆娘同王祖藍的合照。坐底眼見餃子材料又新鮮及即場係面前包,感覺好fresh ,所以分別點了生煎韭菜餃 (大)、上湯椰菜餃、魚肉碗仔翅及豆腐花,同友人開心 share。生煎韭菜餃子,皮煎得香脆、咬落去沒有脆到硬實實,豬肉及韭菜好新鮮,韭菜冇起渣,餃子裡鎖住肉汁好juicy,同埋沒有油膩既感覺,掂 !!! 筆者喜歡加埋醋嚟食,有另一番味道。上湯椰菜餃,餃子皮薄放湯後仍然原整無缺,豬肉及椰菜同樣好鮮甜。至於魚肉碗仔翅,就唔似一般街頭的碗仔翅咁杰身漿口,不過味道較為略淡,碗中有一絲絲的豬肉及數條魚肉,魚肉冇腥味,彈牙,總括嚟講 嘩!!! 講到豆腐花,第一啖好滑、第二啖好香,第三啖一試難忘,老闆娘話係佢地自己親手造的,還有佢透露了一個好少... 好少... 好少...既秘方就係豆花中落了少許薑汁,所以豆腐花香滑中帶點微微既薑味,想食甜些可自行加紅糖,及有凍有熱可供選擇,揀熱食最好,因為新鮮食物同店舖招牌名一様真係名副其實既「金牌」
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