8-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*Last Order 18:00
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 19:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 19:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
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Signature Dishes
Review (13)
Level3 2021-07-26
以前經過呢到得3款burger 最近發現佢地出左新menu 一於試一試~叫左個super mad (雙層漢堡扒) $110 + right mad (單層漢堡扒) $80本身想加$20配薯條 點知佢地7pm洗炸爐無得食😩店員建議最好早d打電話落order先外賣返到屋企打開發現個包比d水氣搞到淋左 呢個問題除左堂食之外應該都好難解決 但因為用錫紙包住所以重keep到暖~個包用牛油煎過 幾香另外我幾鍾意caramelized onion同芝士 甜甜地好味生菜份量都多 食落好fresh減輕左漢堡既膩隔離有半條x2酸瓜 本身我唔太好酸瓜但佢呢個又幾好味~而塊漢堡扒食落偏紅 初初有d擔心唔熟而又溝左豬肉send左個msg去問 佢地解釋番煎medium會比較juicy 一直都偏向無咁熟 鬼佬比較鍾意咁完全無溝到豬肉 用左兩種美國牛(牛腩+牛肩胛部份)同咪本地新鮮牛小排最後話唔好意思話令我地擔心 如果想煎熟d下次同佢地講聲~安心哂~ 咁睇黎下次落單個陣講番聲就會岩番自己個口味~🙂p.s.返到屋企先發現佢地附送即棄手套 係幾貼心既唔想食客整污糟對手不過其實佢個包有錫紙包住 食既時候都冇點整污糟下次早d出聲同店員講聲唔需要先 環保d~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
灣仔難得一遇的好味漢堡包店!離開灣仔地鐵站要行10分鐘先,店內可以坐4個人左右… 雖然地方細細,但係可以說是漢堡包的始祖!店舖好貼心,有2隻手套🧤提供,疫情底下比較方便,因為始終漢堡都係要用手食。全部漢堡都係即叫即整signature Right Mad burger $80 有洋蔥,漢堡,芝士,咬落去漢堡好軟熟,唔會煮到硬晒,加埋秘製醬汁,食得好滋味!Chicken mad Burger $65 有一大片1cm厚的菠蘿🍍,1cm 厚的雞扒,同其他漢堡配料兩個漢堡比較signature Mad burger比較野味,chicken burger食落,感覺上健康啲,有塊菠蘿,中和肉類嘅油膩感。會有埋配菜- 酸瓜薯條🍟 ➕$20 - 係粗大的薯條,有加七味粉調味點左一杯凍咖啡, 都係嘢食比較好味整體來講,係灣仔 呢個價 呢個質素,值得推介! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Discovered @madburger_2020 near my office a while back and it’s still one of my top burger places in Wan Chai. It’s nice to see how the small shop has evolved with the menu expanding from 3 burgers to a total of 7 now (prices have also slightly gone up too though..)The signature burger is my go-to order, as it has all the essential ingredients but better. The juicy patty is made with 3 different cuts (chuck tender, short plate and short rib) from US Angus and local beef, ensuring a depth of flavor and textural nuances. The maple syrup caramelized onion, melted cheddar cheese, huge pieces of lettuce, fresh tomato slice, fluffy toasted Brioche buns, and pickles that are thoughtfully taken out - it’s really the details that make this classic burger worth the price tag. They are also very considerate to provide disposable gloves so you don’t need to get your hands dirty.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-06-06
雖然成日都話減肥,但係耐唔耐就會有一種衝動就係勁想食burger!!有人去咗灣仔搵朋友食lunch,朋友極力推薦呢一間MAD burger,佢本身都唔係一個咁鍾意食burger 嘅人,都咁極力推薦,應該真係有一定嘅質素!睇完個Menu,我都係決定食返original同埋加薯條 ~連皮粗薯條我真係無法抗拒🤤🤤除咗舊肉係佢哋自己做,而且係非常之juicy之外,個包真係做得好有心!雖然我唔知道佢係內貨定係點定係自己做(我估係內貨😛),但係佢嘅好食之處係佢會用牛油煎一煎,剪到嗰邊係香脆,咬落去脆口,真係好滿足,再加埋肉汁,真係冇得頂!我夠膽講佢係好食過連鎖嘅過江龍!大家一定要黎支持! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
話說前排特別想食漢堡,所以就有一日lunch就搵左公司附近新開既餐廳食漢堡🍔!雖然見佢用既材料唔特別多,但食落味道有驚喜!小店位於灣仔近摩利臣山附近,旺中帶靜。小店座位唔多,得兩個,所以係主打速食!呢度有三款burgers,普通burger,泰式burger同素食burger!我就試左呢個普通burger「Right Mad」。採用既材料唔係特別多,但食落味道真好特別!漢堡全部即叫即製,保證新鮮出爐!先講下麵包🥯,餐廳採用法式牛油麵包,所以食落特別香!而中間既漢堡排係手打,採用本地牛腩、牛小排同美國牛肩胛混合而成,非常多肉汁,另外我非常鐘意牛肉表面既煮到焦糖化既洋蔥🧅,車打芝士同獨家醬汁,食落甜甜地,更可以襯托到牛肉肉汁鮮甜味,真係幾好味👍🏻!另外,漢堡用左生菜同蕃茄,食落非常清新,爽脆而唔油膩!我加左$20,試埋個薯條🍟!食落脆脆地,意外地甜味好突出,不過有點鹹!整體上,食物水準都幾高質,經過附近既朋友不妨一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)