Restaurant: A BOUTEA (Allied Plaza)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

2-min walk from Exit B2, Prince Edward MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (16)
96240965 (WhatsApp)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 20:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 20:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 20:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (27)
早幾日同呀仔呀囡去行街街,行行下,班細路話想飲野,醒起之前響IG 見到花斑post推出新期間限定飲品,一於去試吓佢啦😍期間限定有以下3款飲品1️⃣雪梨四季春2️⃣粒粒蜜瓜奶綠3️⃣粒粒蜜瓜綠茶我哋就試咗其中兩款1️⃣雪梨🍐四季春 $28呢杯清甜可口的雪梨四季春,每一口都充滿水果風味和清涼感。甜蜜嘅雪梨加上清香嘅四季春,好飲🤤好飲🤤好飲🤤3️⃣粒粒蜜瓜🍈綠茶 $28清新香甜蜜瓜味道配搭綠茶,非常清涼解渴,包你一試難忘,最驚喜係仲要啜到有蜜瓜肉🤤,呢杯茶簡直就係夏天的清涼寶藏➡️鳳梨🍍多多$29鳳梨既香甜配上益力多,估唔到又幾好飲咼,細佬仔好快就飲晒😂趁住呢個熱辣辣嘅夏天,大家搵機會去試吓啦😉💛現在起全線花斑茶社分店有售 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-17
以前係灣仔返工嘅時候,有個女同事好鍾意買花斑茶社啲茶🧋俾我飲。飲多幾次又發現真係幾好味😂,所以而家間唔時都會買返杯飲嚟飲。今日見阿仔阿女考完試就買返杯俾佢地兩個試下😆。黑糖珍珠可可鮮奶 $36搖一搖之後秒變味道香濃嘅朱古力奶🍫,朱古力味濃郁但唔會太甜😋,加埋煙煙韌韌黑糖珍珠,阿女勁鍾意😍。焙茶鮮奶 $36(+ 小芋圓 $6)茶夠香,味道又濃郁🥰,加入了鮮奶令口感更加順滑。相比珍珠,阿仔比較喜歡加小芋圓🥰,口感Q彈嘅小芋圓令整體增加了飽足感和層次感😋。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
依次🐨生日應援打卡點嚟到太子,有小編久唔久就會幫襯嘅花斑 😊 不過未試過依間分店嘅茶飲,又趁依次機會揀杯未試過嘅口味先~ 😉🧋️ 焙茶鮮奶 (凍) 😋😋😋😋店員話因為鮮奶嘅關係,冰度🧊係固定嘅,所以小編只係揀咗少糖~ 🤓 望上去焙茶同鮮奶嘅比例大概1:1,飲落有焙茶嘅烘培濃度,鮮奶🥛係小編鍾意嘅輕身質地。冰融咗之後未至於溝淡晒 ☺️ 適合未試過焙茶嘅朋友試試~下午茶 💵 約港幣$40/人💁🏻‍♀️ 相信大家對花斑茶社一啲都唔陌生㗎啦!依次依間分店有一個角落嘅枱面放咗🐨生日插畫應援供hellosss打卡,另外仲貼咗唔少靚相&海報~ 如果大家去開拎應援而又口渴,可以睇睇有冇嘢啱飲㗎~ 🤗🙆🏻‍♀️ 最後,喜歡嘅話,歡迎follow @foodirectory.hk! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-06-01
#解渴之選#花斑茶社作為花粉既我 見到新出既手搖茶飲產品 😋當然要飲翻杯🧡完熟蘋果🍎冰茶 $28*可自行選擇四季春/紅茶茶底呢款選擇左紅茶做茶底🫶🏻紅茶香濃 內有切粒既蘋果果肉豐富口感 亦唔會太甜 味道剛剛好~🍇葡萄柚冰茶 $28*可自行選擇四季春/綠茶茶底葡萄柚水果既柑橘🍊酸味同綠茶既甘甜味好夾✨選擇左綠茶做茶底,綠茶味道甘醇👍🏻口感清爽豐富絕對係夏日解渴之選💜茶飲店內仲有售賣罐裝茶葉送禮/手信都得🥰@abouteahk花斑茶社 (聯合廣場) (太子)📍太子彌敦道760號聯合廣場地下G25號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-28
依家天氣開始愈黎愈熱就想飲返杯清涼下😆 經過花斑茶社,見到有新飲品出左,決定試試佢🌻✨️🆕️完熟蘋果冰茶🍎✨️ 微甜 少冰我揀咗四季春茶底, 茶底帶花果香氣再加埋蘋果嘅淡淡清香,十分之清新, 十分岩夏天飲☀️加埋粒粒蘋果肉,滿足埋口感✨️柳丁多多🍊🍊✨️ 微甜依家少咗地方有多多飲, 每次見到都會叫飲😆🤭 橙汁同多多既比例balance得唔錯,多多唔會太甜🧡仲有另外一杯新飲品叫清爽青葡萄烏龍 不過今日賣曬,睇下下次試唔試到先😆😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)