Restaurant: | A BOUTEA (Lock Road) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
2-min walk from Exit A1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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95740572 (WhatsApp)
Tea base from Nantou Taiwan which has a strong and unique scent and flavor. Signature products including Brown Sugar Tapioca Pearls, Fresh Milk Tea and Fruit Tea.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
discover @abouteahk Hong Kong local brand for Taiwanese tea drinks 🐆 enjoy classic brown sugar bubble 🧋or explore new limited edition “honey and pear green tea” 🍐 and “kyoho grape oolong tea” 🍇 香港本地台式茶飲品牌 @abouteahk 🐆 經典「黑糖珍珠系列」 🧋 到期間限定「蜂蜜梨綠茶」🍐 和「巨峰烏龍茶」 🍇 🧋黑糖珍珠烏龍奶茶 (微糖少冰) HKD$29brown sugar bubble oolong milk tea烏龍奶茶 茶香圓潤 絲滑奶香黑糖珍珠 焦甜煙靭 帶有嚼勁🍐蜂蜜雪梨綠茶 +寒天 (固定糖 少冰) HKD$28 + $5honey and pear green tea期間限定 蜂蜜雪梨 滋潤果韻綠茶清香 搭配寒天 增加口感📍尖沙咀樂道32-34號地舖 (various locations) 🇭🇰*
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💜回頭指數:4.8/5📍花斑茶社 (樂道) (尖沙咀)尖沙咀樂道32-34號地舖
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呢排日日都30幾度 真係熱到頂唔順喇飲番杯凍野降下溫先 要揀杯清爽啱夏天嘅最近花斑出左新品果茶系列 好清爽好fresh清爽青葡萄烏龍烏龍茶底夠清香 仲有粒粒青葡萄果肉味道酸酸甜甜咁 清新得嚟又解渴黑糖珍珠厚鮮奶每次去花斑都必飲嘅招牌飲品鍾意佢奶味夠濃夠厚又幼滑黑糖珍珠煙韌有咬口 黑糖味香濃但唔會過甜雖然佢冰同糖係固定冇得調整 但我覺得呢個比例真係啱啱好花斑出名做應援 追星族對呢間茶飲一定唔陌生每次嚟都見到唔同嘅明星主題可以打下卡今次係泰星Gemini生日應援 fans真係好有心呀
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👫🏽~ 𝐵𝑒𝑒𝑟𝑃𝑖𝑔 𝑅𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑤 ~👫🏽【 夏日清新果茶Chill多果肉 】夏日炎炎最岩就飲番杯又清新又Chill既果茶🍹最近花斑茶舍推出左兩款口味既果茶|完熟蘋果冰茶🍎·清爽青葡萄烏龍🍇|就咁望都覺得好Fresh🌿#BeerPig · #啤酒豬 · #酒肉朋友·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·#🍻🍖 質素:🧋完熟蘋果冰茶|$28兩款果茶都可以揀有糖/無糖,而養生既小編當然係揀無糖啦😌但好神奇地無糖飲落都係甜甜的,底下仲有大量果肉,飲極都仲有!想再有咬口啲就建議大家加寒天😝咬咬下真係好爽架🧋桂花烏龍|$25 |加小芋圓+$6 另一款都係好清新既配搭-桂花烏龍加小芋圓,可以試下微糖😋小芋圓本身帶有少少甜味,同茶底都好夾,比起奶茶底呢個配搭飲完罪惡感會少超多😉·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·🍻 #花斑茶社 🍖📍尖沙咀樂道32-34號地舖🕵🏼♀️Find others in:#beerpig尖沙咀#BeerPig飲品系列·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·#hkFoodie #hkfood #foodblog #相機食先#foodie #foodporn #hkfoodblogger #香港美食 #美食 #好吃 #食評 #香港食評#尖沙咀 #尖沙咀美食 #手搖 #飲品 #健康
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經開又order咗一杯夏日飲品 #完熟蘋果冰茶 🍎, 下次要試埋另外一款期間限定茶飲 #清爽青葡萄烏龍 🍇 🥤完熟蘋果冰茶 瞬間有冰涼嘅感覺🧊, 炎炎夏日飲冰茶就啱晒啦!茶底可以揀四季春/紅茶, 四季春茶味清新, 飲落有香甜嘅蘋果味🍎, 仲有粒粒果肉, 口感豐富!🍵宇治抹茶紅豆鮮奶由抹茶粉🍃、鮮奶🥛製成, 抹茶味香醇, 帶奶香, 口感順滑, 抹茶同香甜嘅紅豆🫘永遠都係最佳組合!
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