Today’s Amaroni’s represents the most up-to-date tastes of generous portions perfecting delicious modern food & drink of an authentic New York Italian Restaurant & Café.
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Awards and Titles
Best Italian Restaurant (2008-09,2011-12)
Good For
Romantic Dining
Group Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 22:00
*星期一至四:11:30 - 21:30 (最後下單 20:30)
星期五:11:30 - 22:00 (最後下單 21:00)
星期六:11:00 - 22:00 (最後下單 21:00)
星期日:11:00 - 21:30 (最後下單 20:30)
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
同好耐冇見嘅小、中、大學同學慶祝生日,即刻約咗間地點方便嘅又一城餐廳慶祝☺️呢間意大利餐廳嘅Tiramisu好出名,記得大學時間成日搭車過嚟食😙🥂 Chardonnay Wine一坐低,女侍應已經拎咗兩支橄欖油同醋,俾我哋點熱辣辣嘅蒜蓉餐包食,真係Perfect Match😊而且星期一至四嚟呢度食嘢,八點前都叫happy hour有唔同餐酒買一送一😍我哋就當然一人叫咗一杯,Seleted Chardonnay Wine有果香,酸酸甜甜,好易入口🥂🍽️ 招牌小食拼盤話說我哋兩個都唔係好肚餓,所以冇叫到澱粉質,為咗摸酒杯,當然要叫個招牌小食拼盤試一試,呢個招牌拼盤都好豐富好大碟,有酥炸軟殼蟹、巴馬臣芝士薯條同炸魷魚等🤤加埋檸檬百里香蛋黃醬真係配酒一流,總共有四隻軟殼蟹咁多,外脆內軟熱辣辣,炸魷魚真係好滋味😋🍽️ 8安士封門牛柳呢個封門牛柳叫咗五成熟,同朋友太耐冇見掛住影相,差啲忽略咗呢個牛柳,好彩都仲有餘溫,上枱嘅時候已經切好一粒粒,開心share,牛柳牛味濃,就咁香煎已經牛味已經好出😌再配埋mozzarella cheese同埋新鮮蕃茄仔食真係不得了😍同朋友返嚟呢度食嘢,大學嘅回憶返晒嚟,而且坐得好舒服,可以俾大家長時間敘舊詳談一番🥰
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呢間位於九龍塘又一城嘅Amaroni's New York Italian Restaurant & Café意大利餐廳走美式風格,裝修好別緻又點復古feel,仲有不少掛畫同藝術裝飾呢,氣氛好有格調💖!💛香煎阿拉斯加比目魚 $295比目魚外脆內嫩,魚肉質嫩滑,搭配薑蔥牛油,香氣四溢,再配上烤時令蔬菜😉 🧡焗鮮蝦雞肉長通粉 $185長通粉加上鮮蝦同雞肉,味道好夾,加上意大利火腿增添層次,仲有巴馬臣芝士融化在香濃嘅蒜香忌廉汁中,味道好濃郁,滋味又滿足😋!🤎經典意大利芝士蛋糕 $90佢哋嘅Tiramisu 有濃濃酒香,份量都幾大份,Tiramisu中嘅手指餅用咖啡酒加濃縮咖啡浸過,芝士忌廉好creamy,再額外加d酒,酒味好突出到,芝士味亦好香濃呢🥰!
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推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥這間坐落於商場內的餐廳,主打意大利菜,除了薄餅之外,還提供多款不同的意大利粉。此外,甜品tiramisu也是他們的招牌菜式之一,不過近年餐廳的水準看似有點而下降。Situated within a shopping mall, this restaurant specializes in Italian cuisine. In addition to their pizzas, they offer a wide variety of pasta dishes. The tiramisu is also one of their signature desserts; however, the restaurant's overall quality seems to have declined in recent years.餐包 ($0)Bread那款餐包各有特色,而且非常柔軟,不過味道沒有太大的特別The bread rolls are unique and very soft, but their flavor lacks distinctiveness.辣肉腸菠蘿蘑菇薄餅 ($220)Pepperoni Pineapple Mushroom Pizza這個辣肉腸pizza,配料十分多,除了辣肉腸之外,還有意大利正宗pizza不會有的菠蘿,可見這是一個新派的fusion菜式。至於味道方面則十分不錯,但略嫌餅皮比較濕,香脆度不足。The spicy sausage pizza is generously topped, featuring not only spicy sausage but also pineapple, which is typically absent from traditional Italian pizzas, indicating a modern fusion approach. The flavor is quite good; however, the crust is somewhat soggy, lacking in crispness.焗鮮蝦雞肉長通粉 ($188)Penne Rusflca這個雞肉大蝦焗意粉做得不錯,不會覺得太乾,意粉內仍然保留了醬汁,而蝦肉及雞肉汁增加了整道菜式的鮮味。The chicken and shrimp baked pasta is well-prepared, maintaining a good level of moisture without being too dry. The pasta retains its sauce, and the juices from the shrimp and chicken enhance the overall flavor of the dish.白酒汁燴青口 ($178)Mussels Bianco白酒煮青口是一度比較令人失望的菜式,因為完全吃不出白酒的味道,而且青口亦比較硬The white wine mussels were somewhat disappointing, as there was no discernible flavor of white wine, and the mussels were rather tough.蜂蜜洛神花茶 ($78)Warm Honey Hibiscus Tea這個洛神花茶配以蜂蜜,兩者做得恰到好處,因為蜂蜜的甜剛好中和了洛神花的酸味,整杯茶令人覺得十分開胃The hibiscus tea, paired with honey, is perfectly balanced, as the sweetness of the honey complements the tartness of the hibiscus, creating a refreshing beverage.鮮水果綠茶 ($78)Fresh Fruits Green Tea這個水果茶用了不同的水果,初頭喝起來會有一股清新的感覺,不過放久了之後味道側變得比較甜The fruit tea features a blend of various fruits, initially providing a refreshing sensation; however, as it sits, the flavors can become overly sweet.Brewdog ($68)這支啤酒的味道比較濃,而且未有不同的花香,是香港啤酒比較少喝到The flavor of this beer is quite robust, lacking the floral notes commonly found in various styles, making it a rarity among Hong Kong beers.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅食物款式的選擇多,而且備有套餐給客人選擇The menu offers a wide selection of dishes, and set meal options are available for patrons.❌部分菜式味道偏淡,而且比較膩,賣相亦不算精緻Some dishes may be slightly bland and rich, and the presentation is not particularly refined.🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥✅餐廳以古典西式設計,座位亦十分寬敞,私隱度頗高The restaurant features classic Western-style decor, with spacious seating that provides a good level of privacy.❌無NIL💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥✅侍應生的上菜速度非常快速,而且十分有禮貌The service staff is very prompt in delivering orders and displays great courtesy.❌由於侍應生的數量不算太多,所以繁忙的時間需要協助的話,可能需要耐心等候一些時間Due to the limited number of servers, patrons may need to exercise patience during busy periods if assistance is required.💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅價錢定於中高水平,不過由於備有套餐給客人選擇,套餐的價錢則會較為相宜Pricing is set at a mid-to-high range; however, due to the availability of set meal options, the price for these can be more reasonable.❌無NIL
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久違了的意大利餐廳,坐下瞬間,服務員即送上麵包及橄欖油及醋。因為限時90分鐘,所以匆匆下單。 Perfect match油醋組合,點麵包食一流香草麵包😋Margherita Pizza蕃茄芝士薄餅~簡簡單單的蕃茄醬、芝士、羅勒,不會太油膩,餅邊香脆如果蕃茄醬多少少仲正。Signature Dish: Wild Berry Salad 野莓沙律~什菜沙律新鮮,士多啤梨粒甜,啤梨新鮮甜脆,琥珀合桃脆,菲達芝士,紅莓油醋汁,整體味道和諧由於只有兩個人,吃不到甜品,留待下次吧😊
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