10-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
08:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (15)
Level1 2024-09-19
The staff were incredibly friendly and helpful! The servers are superb and always ready to cater for anything you may require.  I ordered the Iced Matcha latter and the Burrata Tartine with Focaccia bread, both were excellent. I will say the Iced Matcha latte is one of the best in the Hong Kong and does not lack any flavour.  The outdoor/indoor sitting area was lovely with a large skylight letting in the natural light in the day and the lights are turned on in the evening.  It is the perfect spot to get some work done while listening to some nice music. I definitely would recommend AMo Ago as a brunch or study spot as there are outlets for charging and the ambience is the perfect amount of quiet. I would love to see more vegetarian/vegan options on the menu if possible but overall, I had a very positive experience and the food, staff and atmosphere are fantastic.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-06-16
Popped into Amo Ago this morning for breakfast and was sorely disappointed. Despite having a great (looking) pastry selection, the breakfast choices left much to be desired, and the service was poorly executed.We ordered two of the brioche options: the LA (a version of smashed avocado on toast, with a fried egg) and a St. Tropez (brioche french toast, with blueberries and crème fraiche); we each had a flat white.The coffee wasn’t hot enough, too milky. The food looked good, but it’s hard to enjoy a meal with friends when the food doesn’t arrive at same/ similar times. My friend’s dish (the LA) arrived about 15 mins before mine — he was done eating and ready to leave before I had even been served. In fact, we could see that the staff didn’t start to cook my food until after completing the other order. And on top of that, there was no acknowledgment from the staff of the delay.Whilst reasonably priced, that’s not enough for a repeat visit. There are enough cafes around that do better food and have better service. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-21
前排做gym經過SOHO區,見到Vission Bakery行上少少有間新開bakery,原來係人氣Fiata Pizza嘅姊妹店。weekend 下午茶時間唔太餓,就叫咗個croissant combo。Croissant ($20)+ $30 Latte (combo)牛角包一送黎嘅時候係凍,同staff講想reheat,heat完都係唔熱,只係冇咁凍,食起黎冇酥脆同空氣感兼備,少淋😅牛角包可能因為放耐咗嘅關係,雖然橫切面有呈蜂巢狀但入面嘅氣孔大小唔太平均,做唔到層次分明。不過就算凍咗,拎上手又冇好油嘅~兩個字:普通~但Latte夠silk,幾好飲,combo黎講喺Soho區算性價比唔差。除咗pastry,見到AMO•AGO主打Tartine,可能Tartine出色啲?🧐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-10
#pb食在中環 #pbcafe系列 中環蘇豪區高質烘焙店🍞New Cafe Alert🚨🌟今次想介紹呢間位於中環扶手電梯旁新開嘅烘焙店😍 佢係1月開業 一直都好受歡迎 因為佢係 @fiatapizza 嘅姊妹店🥰 一入到去就見到好吸引嘅麵包、蛋糕櫃 真係好正😋 佢有室內、室外座位 室外座位會比較多 雖然有微冷氣 不過天氣熱都會出哂汗🤪 假日下午去到等15分鐘左右就有位 都算幾快👍🏻.佢主打麵包、蛋糕、Tartine😋 Tartine有6款選擇 價錢$85-$115不等👍🏻 麵包、蛋糕價錢$22-$58不等😍 飲品方面有咖啡、果汁、酒類🤪🔹Hazelnut Mascarpone Cube🍞推介❤️ 麵包好鬆軟 食落好驚喜😍 中間有榛子芝士餡 味道唔會太甜👍🏻 朋友同我食完都大讚🥰🔹Frangipane Berries Tart🍓賣相幾靚🥰 藍莓、士多啤梨、紅桑子有少少酸🤪 個撻底有驚喜 食落好鬆脆😋 牛油味唔算濃 所以唔會好漏、好滯👍🏻🔹San Sebastián🐙推介❤️ 滿滿嘅八爪魚、薯仔沙律舖係拖鞋包上面😋 八爪魚微微醃過 有少少鹹味 肉質超淋😍 整體配搭都好好食👍🏻🔹Matcha Latte🍵抹茶味夠濃 不過口感有少少鞋口🥹 如果再滑身d就好🤪🔹Kiwi Juice🍹唔會太甜 飲落幾refreshing👍🏻.整體✨ 呢間中環新開嘅烘焙店位於扶手電梯旁 位置好方便👍🏻 佢主打麵包、蛋糕、Tartine 雖然價錢唔平 但試左幾款都好滿意😋 如果我係中環返工 應該會成日買佢嘅麵包做早餐🤪AMO.AGO (中環)中環些利街11號地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-01
Amo•ago 🥖係一間Fiata pizza 姐妹店🍕以烘焙麵包,甜品為主🥐位於有好多人氣烘焙店中環蘇豪區裡面。🍑SAN SEBASTIÁN 🐙🥔佢有六款Tartine,今次揀咗一款地中海feel既🌊,裡面有章魚🐙土豆🥔茴香,成個組合都好清新🍃因為佢加咗少少檸檬皮🍋洋蔥粒🧅仲有唔同香料,所以一啲都吾單調,章魚好彈牙份量多🐙同時麵包好鬆軟🥖帶有少少香草味,好食吾錯🍑TRADITIONAL SFOGLIATELLA🥐🍊呢款我從未喺出面見過🤭聽講因為做工好複雜,所以好少人整。佢外面似一個貝殼🐚用牛油酥皮一層層咁捲上去🧈食落去好脆,口感好似餃子皮。而面係一個比較結身香橙味Ricotta cheese 🍊食落去好清新,幾好食✨️🍑RUM BABA🍰係一個正方體法國當地蛋糕。佢最出面係一層帶有青檸檬🍋香味糖面,而裡面就係一個好濕潤蛋糕,檸檬味幾突出。食到中間仲有雲呢拿籽吉士醬,整體好有層次 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)